Erron as Salazar

Salazar is a Spanish last name typical of individuals from Latin America, especially Mexico. People with the last name Salazar tend to be Catholic or somewhat affiliated with the Catholic church. Like many Latin American families, Salazars tend to have strong family ties, speak Spanish as as their home language, and value education. Salazars have a sense of pride in their ethnic background and usually maintain various aspects of culture, tradition, and language even after successive generations are brought up American. Male Salazars tend to enjoy soccer and other outdoor activities while female Salazars tend to make excellent mothers, wives, and girlfriends. Female Salazars are also good cooks and homemakers. Both sexes enjoy various forms of Latin dance, especially Salsa. Salazars tend to be independent thinkers, movers, and shakers. They are good in bed, good listeners, and loving partners.