Salazar and Erron Black: An Old Speculation

"With my recent discovery of finding Salazar in the code, there were a few posts about who/what Salazar is. So I decided to do some research. Also @DEATHSCORPION found a quote about Salazar, I though this was fiction as it was hard to tell in context without knowing the actual source of information and what it was part of. So I found the same reference about Salazar on Wikipedia (the information Deathscorpion shared) and it was an actual court case and a real incident of a child killing another child. Which is terrible. The child that killed the other child was called Salazar. Wikipedia and another website "" had this same information (word-for-word). On gamefaqs, there was a thread about Salazar, it included the actual incident with the children but it was speculated that the character is in fact not this Salazar but infact just a new character with the same name coincidentally. Others also posted that if infact there was a character called Salazar it shows no respect to the victim of Salazar (and I agree - I hope they never have a character called Salazar - it would be extremely disrespectful!!! Then on my the thread I started about the unreleased characters and packs, @GabGab mentioned the possibility that Salazar was the test name for Erron Black. Now personally I hope this is the case and someone at NR realised the grave error they could have made and changed the name to Erron Black, but perhaps they forgot to change the name in the code and just left it as Salazar. Also Salazar is a name of Spanish origin I think and Erron Black appears to have some kind of southern cowboy feel to him - possibly a Spanish/Mexican gunslinger? So to me, it seems that it would make sense to change the name but keep the character. I've come to this conclusion that Erron black is Salazar from looking through various threads, including IGN, Reddit and gamefaq. Obviously everything about Erron Black being Salazar is just a speculation, but it's a common theory and I thought I would share it as there is a lot of confusion and mystery about 'Salazar'. Maybe he is Erron Black, maybe he isn't, you decide. Either way I'm sure we'll find out soon."