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erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat

Erron Live With Intense Guilt

Erron is major perfectionist, which means he live with an intense amount of guilt over the things he deem as failures. He don’t often share this fact with people, but it is often something that plagues he constantly. He will sit and ponder the different times he made mistakes, or times he harmed the people he love, and He will feel very saddened by this. He will often wish he could go back and change things, and think if only he had done it all differently.

His dark side often hurts he more than it does anyone else. When he have weaker moments that cause he to do or say things that hurt the people He love, it often tears the gunslinger up inside. He will never forget the hurtful words he said, even if other people have long forgotten them. He will often see these things as much worse than it actually are, but that is simply because he care very deeply. He hold himself to rather high standards, which makes he capable of constantly blaming himself for mistakes long gone. These standards that He hold themselves to can be very unreasonable, but Erron expects perfection from themselves oftentimes.

The best thing for Erron is to have people in their life that will stick around no matter what. Show support and help he cope with his mistakes. He need to be reminded that everyone has moments of weakness, and that people will love him even when he fail.

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