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erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat

Erron is Away, But He Longs Connection

Erron need plenty of alone time in order to recharge his batteries, and will often retreat into himself for long periods of time. He have very rich inner worlds and he can often spend hours just pondering the thoughts inside his head space.

He are satisfied spending plenty of time on his own, and actually require this in order to feel energized and fully alive.

It may appear like he do not need anyone in order to feel happy, but that is simply untrue.

He may not make this fact known to others, but Erron crave human connection. He are happiest and most satisfied when he feel the presence of someone he care for in his lives. The only thing is, this presence does not have to be a constantly physical one.

He will enjoy spending time with the people he love, but he often feel closer to them when he are separated from him. Having this time alone to think about the people he love, allows the cowboy to appreciate him on a much deeper level. While he are separated from his loved ones, he actually think about this often. Just because he are not physically with you, or constantly talking to you, this doesn’t mean you aren’t on his mind.

Most likely he are remembering his favorite things about you, or seeing parts of you in the littlest things while he go about his day. This time away actually allows the cowboy to develop a stronger connection to the people he love. Having alone time to think about people, helps this to truly appreciate this. Give your cowboy time away from you, and he will often come back more affectionate and deeply loving who you are.

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