10 Cowboy Tips

1. You’ll probably come across a few people in your life that will use you, whether it be sexually or materialistically; do not allow people to objectify and/or take advantage of you.
2. Casual sex is okay, as long as both participants are aware that it’s nothing more.
3. You have the ability to exit peoples lives. If anybody makes you feel shitty, you know what to do. But keep in mind that the people around you are also able to make that decision. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
4. Apathy is unhealthy, set your feelings free.
5. Never ever beg for somebody to stay in your life, by doing this you are setting yourself up for more pain. If somebody wanted to be in your life, they would be there.
6. There will be a time or two when you feel like you have nobody, whether or not that is true; it won’t be like that forever, there are billions of people on this planet, and i’m sure a few of them would be thrilled to know you.
7. Know the difference between love and lust, these are two completely different things but you would be surprised by how many people confuse one for the other.
8. Practice what you preach, nobody likes a hypocrite.
9. Retail therapy is a real thing, buy what you please and be happy.
10. Most importantly, please learn to love yourself. Every curve of your fragile body and beautiful thought that runs through your mind is magnificent, stop beating yourself up and be aware of everything you have to offer. Life is a hell of a lot more enjoyable when you’re comfortable in your own skin.
Source: http://softwor-ds.tumblr.com/