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erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat

Take me

"Who knew this would happen? Who knew that that they would have the mental capacity to undergo something so irresistible? Hearing sounds of satin sheets ruffling as two men were in a very heated make out session, soft moans and whispers filling the atmosphere of the room."

Who knew this would happen? Who knew that that they would have the mental capacity to undergo something so irresistible? Hearing sounds of satin sheets ruffling as two men were in a very heated make out session, soft moans and whispers filling the atmosphere of the room. Erron was holding the Soul Master on top of him, his free hand running through the other’s hair. Ermac blushed so much that his whole face had a beautiful tinge of pink decorated. Erron nibbled on Ermac’s bottom lip, heightening the excitement. Ermac moaned gently making Erron smirk a bit. Erron continues to kiss Ermac and then roll them over so that Erron was on top of Ermac, straddling him.

Ermac really wanted the gunslinger so much…Erron began to knee the smaller man, making him let out desirable gasps and moans of need, his eyebrows upturned and one eye shut, the other half opened. Erron looked down at his lover’s face, chuckling sexily. “You’re so cute, Ermie~” Erron huskily said, making Ermac want Erron even more. “E-Erron...p-please…” Ermac finally let out. Erron kisses Ermac’s forehead and sat up, bringing Ermac’s hood down and unwrapping the bandages that hides his lover’s precious face. He rubs his thumb over Ermac’s lips. “I love you so much, you know that, right?” the cowboy asks his lover with such passion in his voice. “Y-yes, and we love you, too” Ermac responds, stuttering.

Erron thought Ermac was one of the most, if not, the cutest person ever. He wanted to just ravage his lover, feeling his grip, hearing his sounds of lust and need. Erron took off his cape, followed by his shirt. Ermac’s face was a bright red, looking at the toned muscles of his lover. The gunslinger smiled seductively at Ermac, licking his lips gently. “I wanna do you so badly…” Erron said huskily. Ermac had a very tingly feeling inside him. He couldn’t hold back once more, he pounces on top of Erron and kisses him deeply. Erron was taken aback but he returned the kiss and held the construct close, the two in another heated kiss. It also led to the removal of clothing, starting with Ermac’s cloak, followed by their boots, pants, and undergarments left to be scattered on the floor, with the two lovers naked, legs intertwined, arms wrapped around each other, their heads tilted in opposite ways and blushed with light shades of red.

Erron gently knees the construct, hearing the sweet moans coming from him as he begins to kiss his neck. “E-Erron...t-that...tha--ahh…” Ermac let out, he couldn’t finish a full sentence cuz of how overwhelming the feeling was, taking over his entire body, the same thing with Erron. It was then the gunslinger wanted Ermac to pleasure him. He lies back and Ermac immediately gotten the idea of what Erron wanted. He goes to where his member is and takes hold of it, slowly going up and down gently. He heard a soft moan coming from his lover. He then began to put his lover’s member in his mouth, causing Erron to elicit a sharp gasp. “F-fuck...E-Ermie…” the gunslinger moaned again.

Ermac was excited by Erron’s tone, making him go faster. “Yea...k-keep going just like that~” his lover commanded once again. Ermac kept on doing what he was doing, this feeling too extraordinary for the marksman. Then Ermac let out a moan, feeling something inside him, a moist finger of the marksman. Ermac tried to keep on blowing his lover as Erron continues to prepare the construct. Erron went a little harder but not too hard to hurt him, though he could tell Ermac was enjoying it cuz his moans were getting louder. The marksman wanted to make him his so badly. He then stops Ermac of what he’s doing as he takes his fingers out of Ermac. The bigger man lies the smaller down, looking over his body, what an amazing sight that Ermac was up from his messy matted long black hair down to the sweat, blushing of his face down to his toned abs. He goes on top of him, and positions himself.

“Are you ready, love?” the cowboy asks his lover below. “Y-yes...please...take us…” Ermac moaned gently. “Oh I will~” Erron said in his sexy husky tone. He begins to push himself into Ermac. The construct moans slightly loud, gripping the sheets tightly. Erron groans to feel how tight Ermac was. “E-Erron…! I-it’s so...b-big…!” Ermac moans out.

Erron smirks of how cute Ermac sounded. “You’re so damn tight…” he says sexily to Ermac. He gives Ermac a chance to adjust. After Ermac adjusts himself, he gives Erron the sign that he is ready. The marksman was more than ready to make love to Ermac as he began to thrust into him. The two of them were moaning, the feeling was just too great. As hard as they try, they just couldn’t stay quiet. The pleasure was taking over both of them as they look at each other, making love. Erron bent down to kiss Ermac as he continues to thrust inside him.

It was driving them crazy. Ermac broke the kiss. “E-Erron, please...h-harder!” Erron obeyed and went harder, the pleasure heightening once more. Ermac arches his back gripping onto Erron as he felt like he was on the brink. Erron could sense it since he was almost there himself. “E-Erron...w-we’re about to…!” Ermac moaned loudly. “M-me, too…! G-gonna…!!” Erron couldn’t finish this sentence. He held Ermac close as the two practically screamed in utter pleasure as they released. “C-COMING…!” the two moaned almost simultaneously, Erron in Ermac, and Ermac’s sticky fluid splattered between their stomachs, chests, and faces. They panted with their chests heaving. Erron pulls out of his lover making both moan quietly and they both lie down, him pulling Ermac close to him, the two cuddling each other.

“W-wow…” Ermac sighed. Erron smiled...rather sweetly. This was the first time his soft side has been brought out, and it was for the love of his dreams...Ermac. “I love you so much…” Erron panted, giving his love a soft kiss. Ermac smiles softly and kissed back. “W-we love you, too…” he responded as the two drifted off to a peaceful sleep in each other’s arms.

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