The Gunslinger and The Captive
She had been kidnapped. Cassie struggled to contain his terror while awake to realize that his hands and feet were tied. She was lying in a surprisingly comfortable bed. Not that that comfort meant anything. She was certain that even serial killers could have comfortable beds. But she knew it was not a killer who kidnapped her. Damn it, the more she thought about it, the more she was beginning to fear that their chances could be better with a madman who with the man she had seen in a blinding second last night.
She struggled to quiet fear as he remembered the face of his captor. For a moment to stop the heart she stared at him and realized that once again, despite all their efforts, it would pay for the sins of being Cassandra Cage. She opened her eyes, her drunken way to be drugged, his slow mind. I needed to think clearly, clear the fog from his head and understand how to deal with it. There was no doubt that Erron was there for revenge. And she could not blame him. The amazing part was that he let her live long enough to wake up. - Are you awake? - The voice sounded behind her. His voice sent shivers up her spine. It was deep and rough, like the snarl of a hungry predator. You sent a fear of cold for her and she licked his dry lips in response to the sudden nervousness blazing through her body.
The man who would probably kill you, should not sound damn sexy, seconds before doing so. Cassie swallowed tightly. Should be more frightened and less excited by her voice. Their darkest fantasies had been filled with the image of him for two years. She often woke up in the middle of the night, her hips raised, grabbing the dream vision ready to impale her. The way she wanted him after what he did made no sense. - I assume that you are at least reasonably sensitive - He spelled kidding. - Pretending to sleep will not save your ass, girl. Cassie shuddered to family treatment. She was not a girl, damn it.
She took a deep breath in resignation. She needed to use the bathroom and felt his mouth like cotton. It could also give in and retrieve it, hell. Erron did not seem like a man who would easily diverted or persuaded. Not that she had been very good with persuasion anyway. That did not mean she had to like the unusual response to it. Why, of all men in the world, she had to be so attracted to this one? She was sure he would kill her as soon as look at her. And knowing this, why her vagina was warming up, her breasts tingled, her body so sensitized in response to your voice? Retracting a sling breath, she prepared to face it. The sooner do you sooner could possibly find some peace. - You think you could untie me long enough for me to use the bathroom before you begin to torment me? - She asked him coldly.
She was not about to roll up and make the pain worse on his shoulders to be lying tied back as it was. He was damned uncomfortable with her hands tied behind her. Also it looked very vulnerable, very helpless. I was at the mercy of an hireling, and being in such a position was too exciting. Exciting? You must have been terrified, not excited. Cassie shook as he moved. She felt the cold steel slide between her bare ankles, slicing through the ropes, then between his wrists. Folding her hands she eased them into a sitting position, putting his feet in an attempt on the ground. Gazing through her eyelashes she saw the legs and boots that moved into his line of sight.
He raised his eyes as his heart stopped in his chest. He was releasing his belt. Oh God. She gasped for breath as his fingers, calloused and men began to unbutton his leather pants. She would not whimper, she assured. Do not show him shock and excitement to really let that little sound free impotence. But as he pulled his thick, hard cock of the depth of his leather pants she knew the sound screamed in her throat as the big hand it touched up the dark meat suggestively. - Come on, Cassandra Cage, - he whispered darkly. - Open your mouth, big, baby, and let me have that throat tightened again. Her gaze flew to his. He was watching her with a deep vein of fun and lust, his serious face tense with stimulation and requirement. Cassie wanted to laugh. She almost did. She did not know what to do with him even though she considered "open wide" as he suggested. - Uhh, I really have to go, - she whispered a little, trying desperately not to look hard cock just inches from his mouth. - Really much.
The expression Erron looked serious behind the scarf, and his dark gray eyes darkened more. - Then pay the price - he suggested gently. - Come on, Cassandra Cage, is not like the first time. Was not? It was the first time for her, she thought with surprise. Surely he did not think she really do it? Cassie had never done, but I was well aware of the fact that another girl would do and did it. He moved his arm, raising his hand, fingers seeping into her hair, the touch sending stinging to her scalp as he held her and approached. Her gaze was nervously loose its full view with dark, pulsating flesh of the head of your penis.
He really thought she would do it? She thought she could. The large, purplish head touched his lips, throbbed, then poured a soft pearl of semen against the lower curve. Before Cassie could stop herself, she pushed back an affront cry escaping his mouth as he rolled awkwardly across the bed. Shaking from nervousness, she fell off the side and stood up before staring at him through the mattress. - No, - she said coldly, though his answer was quite late, she thought as she watched replacing your leather pants with a quizzical frown. He looked amused and confused by her reaction. - That's all you had to say, Cassandra Cage? - He shrugged. - I do not remember you being so hesitant last time.
Cassie clenched his teeth in fury, weighing your options carefully. He did not seem determined to kill this time. It was indolently fun, maybe a little sarcastic and mocking, but did not seem killer. - Look, - she finally said, struggling to keep his confident voice as he heard the tremor betraying the words. - You made a terrible mistake here. Really. I'm sure you'll find it quite funny ...
He grimaced and pulled the scarf. The look sent fear protesting for your system. thick black eyebrows and gray eyes stormy darkened, her stretched lips, the high cheekbones distinguishing it prominently. The look was a warning and made the heart beat Cassie rushed in his chest. - Really? - He spoke at length. - I never imagined for a moment that there would be a good explanation. - He crossed his arms over his chest and watched through narrowed eyes. - I think I should tell you that from now on, Cassandra Cage, this is not turning out the way I planned for you. You can also forget any excuses, lies or tricks. This is hell, baby, and I am your guardian. So get used to it now.
Cassie's eyes widened. - What do you mean, you are my guardian? He smiled. The hard curve of his lips sent a warning pulse for your nervous system. - Exactly what I said, honey. You are here to finish to rehabilitate and redeem himself. And I just know how to ensure this. You, sweetie, is preparing to learn how the other half lives. No drugs, no employee or drinks, or charity. Now bathe. I'll catch you in half an hour. Be dressed and ready or face the consequences. - He watched intently, his blue eyes and fixed, frightened. - And I promise, the consequences will not be pleasant.
Cassie watched her captor apprehensive in shock as blinked just to be sure she was awake and not having some horrible nightmare. He was really threatening it. He installed himself as judge, jury and executioner and thought she would accept it. She would laugh if it did not look so damn serious about it. - You are kidding. - She could not limit the horror he knew reflected in his voice. - No. - He crossed his arms over his chest arrogantly, staring back at her with cold, mocking eyes. - No joke, beautiful. You play, you pay. If the courts can not do anything with you, so I can assure myself as hell try. Consider this the punishment for petty crimes that you escaped in recent years. All rolled into one. - His smile was not comforting.
Cassie drove a hard, deep breath. Patience was a virtue, she remembered. Only fresh, calm heads solved extreme problems. She faced the wrath of her parents, had been denied and despised for the last three that was interviewed, then had to go back to Special Forces. I could handle it. I had not killed anyone yet. It really would not have to start with this ignorant cowboy. - What the hell makes you think I will accept it? - She asked him incredulously. - I have written 'stupid' on my forehead? 'Coward'? 'Go ahead and step on me because I'm too stupid to live and I appreciate abuse'? - She threw the hands up in frustration while facing in surprise. He looked at her. - Hmm. Not that anyone could see. But I will reserve judgment. You never know what may appear after a nice hot shower. She would lose her head. Right there, in a strange room, facing the most sensual, most aggravating, arrogant man who has laid his eyes. Would commit murder. This is it. - Look, Mr. Black. - She tried a smile that held none of the fury that was beginning to feel building inside her. - I'm sure you think that what you are doing is right. I'm sure you're safe until you have the right person to punish.
He smiled at her contrite. Cassie bit her tongue as her eyes narrowed in her expression pleased with himself and his fists clenched in her hand as she struggled not to jump over the bed and escape. - Honey, I'm sure I wish you have a sister who could get you out of this, - he said complacently. - But since we both know you do not have, you can stop the innocent act because I'm not buying. Cassie drew in a deep breath. Now, Mr. Raccoon thought he could reform the damn wrong woman, kidnapped her. It was too much. Even for her. - That's good, - she said. - Because I'm not trying to sell a damn thing. I assumed you were a reasonably intelligent person ... - Just like you assumed you could let your friends kill me and Kano when we help you in the delivery of drugs that crate? - He asked cruelly. - Or how you assumed that his parents could ruin the names of two good men when charges were brought against you? What about the assumption that money from their parents could get you anything? This is the end of the line, little girl. You could also devote themselves to energy and save the lies for someone willing to believe them.
Cassie could feel the fury that was preparing in his chest. Vivid and warm, flashed in front of his eyes as the cover of a bullfighter. - Or keep the truth to anyone with enough brains to see what's right in front of her face - she snapped back angrily. - Think, Mr. Black. I look like a junkie drug for you? - She waved her hands to her side, indicating his body. She expected him to look at her; She just did not like the stimulation of expression that lit his eyes when he did it. He did not like the way her nipples stiffened as his gaze paused on them, or the heat that flared in her vagina as her eyes then moved to her thighs. She could feel her skin sensitizing, moistening her sex, and did not like the feeling at the end. It was bad enough that she did nothing to fantasize about it the last two years, did not become excited after he kidnapped too. - Look, I know you're angry at that another girl has done for you and your friend. But this is a mistake ... - The mistake is yours. - His sharp voice made her flinch in surprise. - Do not think for a minute that you can lie to me again. Now put your ass in the shower and get ready to face the day or you can kneel down and see if you can convince me otherwise.
Kneeling? Convince him? She blinked in surprise furious at the suggestion. And I was ignoring the crazy flash of desire and hunger that dried her body just thinking to accept his penis into her mouth. The brief his touch on her lips was enough to tempt, thank you. She did not have to feel anxious for this man more than she already was. In fact, he needed to be as far from him as possible. - You are crazy. I'm going home. Now. She turned, heading quickly for the door. Have you had enough of it. Accept the punishment of another girl because of that terrible mistake and because those two men believed to be right, it was too much for her. No matter how big or how sexy he was. No matter that he deserved his revenge. She would not let him take it away from your skin. His hand just wrap around the handle, her fingers clutching her, when a large palm hit the wood above his head and a hard body pressed her firmly against the wall.
A hard body, hot, muscular. Who surrounded her, her warmth that poured out of his flesh in waves and wrapped around it. A presence that smelled of long sultry nights and forbidden desires. Cassie swallowed, feeling the danger of aura that suddenly emanated from him. - You do not want to annoy me, little girl, - The warned softly. - Especially not now. That bullet you left your friends, put in my leg was not forgotten. Not the fact that they would have preferred it to be my heart. Now be quiet, take your ass to the shower and be dressed. This is a ranch. Everyone does his or her part here, and you are here to work hard. You wanting or not.
He moved then, a hand insinuating itself between the door and body as he pulled her fingers button and slightly pushed toward the bathroom. She would not do a damn thing that he commanded. Cassie turned, staring back at him furiously shaking the need to beat to get the smile off his face as he stepped back. - You're wrong, - she informed him furiously, but could tell he had no intention to believe. - You will not check it? I have a friend who knows that was not my fault. At least the contact. He will tell you that I am not guilty. She did not like the fun that reflected in his eyes. - He would not say anything new to me, little girl. - I'm not a little girl. - It felt like beating his feet in fury. - And I'm not responsible for that occurred! I have to go home. I have to take care of my cat. Who will take care of my cat? - That sudden, horrifying thought slipped into her mind. She forgot all about John. Your baby. What would happen to him?
He was so alone. I would be scared without it. Only. He had been the only creature in the world that was for your support all these years, and now she was not to take care of it? - Do not worry about that furry animal - Erron muttered suddenly. - He's in the barn with the other- - In the barn? - She practically shouted in surprise and anger. - You put my cat in the barn? My baby is in the barn? She stared at him, unable to believe that the words came from him. Who would be cruel enough to put the sweet little John in a barn? He could not do it. His fingers curled, bent, as if she were attacking him. His arms were above his chest again. - And? - And. You can not put John in the barn. - She propped her hands on her hips, fighting mad now. She would not allow him abusing his cat. - You'll get it now.
He grimaced in severe order in his voice. - If I were you, I'd worry about my own problems, not with that of rat hunter - he huffed. The affront flew by her. She felt the fury vibrating violently through his body. - John does not chase rats - The reported coldly. - And John does not sleep in barns. He sleeps in my room, in my bed next to me. I want my cat. Now. He shook his head, watching her with a sudden, inquisitive expression. - How much do you want that cat back, Cassandra Cage? - He asked her gently. She wanted to slap his smug face. At least he was called by his name. Although it was one that reminded her of her parents. He would blackmail her. Could see it in his eyes, in his expression. The son of a bitch would use her baby against her. She wanted to tell him to go straight to hell. Instead, she gritted her teeth, counted to ten and said, - What you want?
Cassie was aware that he had to have something wrong with loving a little black ball of fluff that rarely gave her the time of day. Unless she cried. So it was all part of her, comforting her, letting her hold him, even if it was with an air of supreme boredom. He helped pass the last two years when there was no one else. She would not let him in a dirty, dusty barn. Erron walked back to her, pulling her against his body harder, louder as she stared in shock. He hated the awareness that flickered in the pit of his stomach as his hard cock pressed it. He hated the hunger he could feel moistening inside. Her lips parted as he stared down at her, his eyes blazing with heat as they were fixed on his lips. Cassie shook. I could feel her sex heating, watering, and cursed her response to him.
She clapped her hands against his shoulders, resisting - not just Erron but itself as well. He had the most kissable lips she's ever seen in a man. That full, low less than fascinated curve, made her want to eat it. But he set the limits with this kidnapping. There was no chance in hell she would lie down and let it pass over it. I was tired of being a doormat either. - I thought you were my kidnapper, not my rapist, - she said when she could find her voice. - Let me go, Erron. I do not prostituirei me by my cat. But I'll be damned if I cooperate in any way without him. His eyebrows curved into a frown as his arms tightened around her. Narrowing his eyes, he looked down at her thoughtfully for long seconds before slowly releasing. - Take your shower and be dressed. We will discuss the conditions downstairs after you calm down and act decently. I could allow you the cat if you can control yourself and follow the rules. - With that said, he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. She would kill him, she assured. Then kill the other girl that put that damn trouble.
An hour later, bath newly taken and dressed in a pair of jeans and a white cotton shirt pants, Cassie entered the large kitchen at the other end of the house. The two-story ranch house was well located, quite simple, the kitchen was not hard to find. Of course, the flapping of the closet doors might have helped a little. Taking a quick shakeout and arranging the hair, Cassie walked into the kitchen. She knew the second I stepped on that love her. A pity that belonged to the great arrogant cowboy flashing in the depths of a closet. The stove was to die. It was the dream of the modern kitchen with a gas grill in the center, four large burners on the side and adequate ventilation over it. The floor was made of wood with an area rug below the six chairs and kitchen table which was situated next to a large picture window. The cabinets were cherry, though dusty and looking dull in the morning sunlight. But there were enough of them. A large central island was located several feet from the sink, still close enough to the stove to make room.
It could have been the dream of a cook, but it was the nightmare of a maid. Erron turned just slightly away from her, giving her a clear view of his muscular back and tense curves and rounded her butt under his tight leather pants. He had a back to die. The sight made her fingers itch with the need to touch it. As if she knew what to do with him to touch him, she told herself sarcastically. But still, she always admired a good back, and it had to be the best I have seen. Retracting a long, deep breath, she looked away from temptation. - You need to fire her maid, - I told him expressionless as he stared around the place again. - She's not doing his job.
The kitchen was like the living room she spied, as well as the dining room in which walked. Dusty, neglected. As if the house was not really a house, but merely a place to spend the night. Erron turned to look at her, his eyebrows lowered in a grim expression as she bowed her shoulders and shoved her hands into the pockets of his jeans. She was still dying to tear her eyes. It considered better contain his hands enough to where it would at least take a second to think before actually try to do it. He was right to make her madder before time ran out.
She watched as he followed the movement, a smile shaking his lips as if he knew the reason behind it. Cassie struggled to keep her clear expression, anger burning in his chest to reflect on your face. Darn it. She never found a most stubborn man in your life. Keeping your patience, she straightened her shoulders and met his gaze on her. She gave up the fact that he would not listen to reason, which meant she would have to try to find your own way out. We had a feeling that escape Erron would not be easy. But before she could even consider escape, I had to get John. - I took a shower, got dressed and found you in the kitchen - she finally said with careful control. - Now where's my baby? Irritation flashed in his stormy gray eyes. It was obvious that there was something about her and her cat that he did not like.
How can anyone call that black ball of baby fat ass is beyond me, - he growled. - That animal should be overthrown only by his temper. Cassie's eyes widened in sudden fear in the sincere dislike in his tone and the threat involved to kill the little animal. Your baby. He thought that John would be dead. And John did not have a temper. He was only slightly damaged, that was all. That was no excuse to be bad for him. - If you hurt John, I promise, I'll do what you think you did to look like a day at the park - She warned, quite serious now. He could punish her for everything as you like, and in a way she could even make some kind of logic twisted it. But he would not hurt John. She had enough of thoughtless actions by pressing your life in such painful ways. She blamed herself.
He crossed his arms over his chest. She was cordially grown to dislike that action. He was still staring disapprovingly it, slow down your eyebrows giving his expression a dangerous appearance. Cassie was fighting back her fear as she met his quiet look. - You are not in a position to make threats here, sweetie, - told her softly, his voice almost too kind to comfort her. He remembered the eye of a violent storm. It would have been more frightened if not for the fact that he was desperately in love with that stupid cat. Even she did not understand it. - Listen, sir, I understand that you think you have a problem with me. Really, I understand, - The assured sincerely. - I can even almost understand the mistake you are making. But if you play in a John's body hair, so I promise, you'll regret it. He's my cat. He adopted me when no one else wanted me and I'll be damned if I'll let you mistreat. - Baby, maybe more people wanted you to obey the line a little closer. You know. Give a little, get a little? - He suggested mockingly.
Cassie hesitated painfully in cruel words. Give a little, get a little. She would have laughed at the thought if it were not so ironic. She gave all he had for so many years ... for nothing. All she had to show was a black cat gave curl up in your lap and shelter in it whenever was weak enough to cry. But the warmth of his fat little body and her soft purring kept sane by the result of his nightmares. - I'm sure you think your opinion of me should matter - she said reasonably, calming the angry words of his pink lips instead. - I even pretend so by the time you need. But not since my cat is suffering in that barn. If she could go to prison for something he did not commit when he was in passing through Outworld, then he could face a moody cowboy for your baby. I could think of little things as horrible as the week that was in Outworld and found the cowboy for the first time. - At least he is alive - He growled hideously. - Did I mention I hate cats?
Cassie pushed back the fear rising inside her. One other girl almost killed this man but also his friend's business. Killing a cat that he believed to be his would be small compared to their crimes. But it was John. Cassie deeply regret if anything happened to him. She bit her lip as she fought the fear that Erron hurt him. She looked up at him silently, strong swallowing fear. She had the feeling that your need for comfort your fears might well be his downfall. - Please - she whispered. - I just want my cat. Cassie saw the interest that suddenly flickered in his eyes, the knowledge that the animal could be used against her that he might not have considered before. - In exchange for? - He asked, confirming his worst fears. There was not much she would not in his effort to save John. - I've asked what you want. - She tried to calm the frustration thickening his voice as he tried to argue with a man who had already proven himself to be irrational. - I am willing to cooperate as much as possible how, - said nervously. - Well, you want to punish me for what someone else did, but do not hurt my cat. If his expression could have been darker, I would have. She saw the anger that immediately flashed in his eyes and knew he just made a major tactical error. - Admit it was you, and we'll talk.
Admit something she had not done. A sense of resignation to overcome. The cost of a small comfort would once again allowing to mirror the identity of the other girl. She slid her hands on her jeans, putting them together, trying to quiet the tremors that wanted to rush through her body. - I told you it was not me, - she said as she passed her desolation. - Do not make me lie to you. Please. Because I will go for it. His arms uncrossed, her fingers catching in front of the waistband of his leather pants. She should not notice the tight, hard abdominal muscles that action showed, or his hips, muscular and below the thick bulge of his penis. Cassie should not be wet, should not desire things he knew he could not have.
His brow lifted mockingly. - You'd be lying for something so small? - He asked her surprised. - Do not make any hard way for yourself what is already - he easily suggested. - Come on, tell me what you did and we will pick up the cat. Cassie drew a weary breath. - It's all right. I was me. - She finally said, struggling to hold his temper now. If you let your anger free, I never see John again. He shook his head slowly, destroying any hope she had that he would, by chance, let it go. -. Do not Come on, honey, tell all. Assume everything you've done it and we will pick up the cat. Otherwise, it takes your guilt. She met his gaze directly, containing the cries that wanted to dump her throat. - Do not do this. She could survive without John? He shuddered at the thought of the nightmares that were sure to come without his comforting presence. As she hold on his sanity without something or someone to comfort her? - Say everything you did. - He demanded again.
- Was I the girl called the police and l and blew it, - she whispered wistfully. - I, can I please have my cat now?
He must have been pleased. Erron stared at his face expressionless, gray eyes tired, and felt anything but satisfaction. He felt like a fucking monster. She spoke the words as his shoulders marginally let down, as if the weight of the admission put an invisible burden on it that was too large to handle. The admission, however given as he asked, was sound with such a lack of emotion that made him regret force the issue. And your eyes. If he ever saw such resignation tired in the eyes of the girl, he could not remember it. They darkened, turning so vulnerable, so filled with shadows and pain, something twisted about his heart. She spoke the words with automation that looked almost ... tested. He shook his head, watching as she was changing and cooled in front of him. His fury earlier that morning it seemed extinguished and weariness took its place. He felt like a complete bastard and did not know why yet. Damn it. It was not her fault that she wanted to play these games.
He hated cats. What the hell possessed you to consider leaving the demon in your home? He probably loosened hair, Erron thought in disgust. Just what he needed. But it would be damned if he could stay looking in those velvety blue eyes. They were haunted, filled with an inner pain that he could not describe enough. A pain he caused. He roared silently, raising his lips in self-criticism while grunting irritation. - Come on, let's get the bastard. But if it scratch me again I will give as food for my dogs. It would make a hell of a snack.
The barn was within view of the house, but still almost an acre separated it from the main building. Cassie moved quickly behind Erron as his long legs ate the distance. She could not keep her eyes away from the strong curves of her ass, no matter how hard he tried, or the joint and bending his hard thighs beneath her leather pants. He had long legs and the floor of a cowboy. That undefined pavoneado step that made water into her mouth and her fingers itch to tighten all in all that masculine force moving so temptingly before his eyes. Her buttocks were lasciviously curved a man and low-slung leather pants showed them to perfection. His back was like granite beneath the shirt, every muscle defined by the cloth that had been tucked into his pants. The whole picture was annoyingly sexy. She did not want to covet it more. It was good when he was just a distant figure that she could drool over in private, but now? She snorted silently. He had to be the most aggravating, annoying man she laid eyes on her life. But, heavens, if he was not the most delightful man to look at what she has seen.
Cassie grimaced in disgust own. The man literally forced her to lie about who she was. The blackmailed with the helpless life of poor John, and she was excited for him. Her vulva was crying, not only wet but drooling hungry. Like a hungry and presented a feast man, only to be told that he could not participate. It was not fair. It was the most unjust act of deprivation where sexuality was concerned, she could have envisioned. Following behind him, his head down, she looked delicious curves of her ass male, was completely unprepared for his abrupt stop. - Thanks. She bumped into his back, stumbling, his face burning as he turned to her and drove her a frown. - Are you alright? - His hand shot out, holding her arm as she jumped back again and almost fell sitting on his ass. - Damn, you may not be drugged. I was sure that there was a pill in the house before I kidnap you. God, it would be perfect if only keep his damn mouth shut.
Pushing his arm back she flashed a look, intending to charge the pure violence toward him suddenly popped into her head. A pity that his body was not listening. - Idiot - she breathed, moving around him to open the barn doors. - John is right here? As she spoke, a cat melancholy wail filled the air, making her eyes widen in lost, pitiful sound. She turned, threw a glance at Erron that promised retribution and moved quickly into the shadowed interior. - John. - She gasped in surprise on wet black hairball clamoring for her a straw bed. It was unfortunate. Dusty, his fur matted, her damp and miserable amazing blue eyes. He lamented again, a feline sound of misery that broke her heart as she knelt in front of him and pulled him gently in his arms. - Oh, John, - she whispered against his hair a smooth turn, ignoring the bite of her claws into his arms as he cried loudly and sadly once again. - My poor baby. Everything is good. I'll take care of you now. - She turned to Erron, ignoring his dark expression. - You abused my cat. There is no excuse for this, Erron. I did not think you could truly be cruel so far. His eyebrows rose in surprise, his hands automatically going to her hips as he stared at her incredulously to back.
- Abuse? The little bastard was doing his best to take a piece of me. All I did was shoot once or twice with the water hose. Hell, he just got wet. John lamented again while Cassie moaned quietly. A water hose? Oh hell, John hated getting wet. - He'll hate you for life now. - She sighed as she shook her head. This would not be a nice imprisonment. - This should annoy me? - He arched an eyebrow sarcastically. Cassie smiled tightly. - Well, let's see, I paid his blackmail him, which means he is now a resident in your home. Let's pray there is no leather furniture, shoes or boots you very self-respecting. In this case, they are it the minute he gets his chance. His eyes narrowed. - I will kill him. - Tsk, tsk, Erron. - She shook her head knowingly smile. You gave your word, remember? I argued my part, and I told you abused it, so ... - She shrugged. - Unless your word does not mean anything, I think you're just fucked. - Since it is for you, - he whispered, his voice lowering, sinking to such sensuous inclination that records shivers up his flesh.
Cassie gulped nervously, his arms shaking John wet while fighting moistening panic in his chest. God, it was bad enough that it burned by Erron; He did not have to make it worse. - Only in your wildest dreams, cowboy, - she snapped. - Now I need to feed John. That eyebrow bowed again. That was never a good sign. -Food He was part of the business? - He inspected the cat thoughtfully. - I do not remember that part, honey. - You have everything that you will get from me, Black - The warned quietly. More than you know. If you want any cooperation from me, then let it go.
His voice was calm, his direct gaze. She could go up here, and only here. She could see the way her mind worked, and curse would prostitute themselves to feed your cat. I had had enough literally had enough. Good-looking was all well and good, sexy as hell was much better, but there was a point when coming out of the man's mouth had just subjugate any attraction he might have. Erron Black was entering that dark area really fast. - Hmm. - The sound hoarse skated up her spine with a feeling very close to anticipation to convince her. When combined with the sleepy sensuality in his eyes, it was powerful. - Let's go. I'll put you to get in the house. Keep that mouser away from my leather or your ass will get hurt by this, not his. I will outline their obligations and we will see how appreciative you can be my generosity.
- If you had any generosity, I could appreciate it, - she grunted as he turned toward the house. She could only imagine what their "obligations" require. If he thought to clean that dirty house would be too much of a task, he was dead wrong. The house was a dream and it was a sin the way it was. - Careful, sweetie, - he said as she passed, her devilish tone of voice in their sexuality. - I could show you exactly how generous I can be. And if she remembered correctly, it had grounds to threaten generosity. The memory of the head of his cock that rested on his lips, the little pearl placed against the lower lip, hit her. She could almost taste the bold essence of it once more. And that was not a good thing. He did not have more ammunition to use against her. - As I said, - she shrugged, feigning indifference without a small amount of effort - Only in your dreams, cowboy.
His dreams could be beautifully really. Erron followed closely watching the smooth swing of his well-formed hips as he listened to that cry of the damned cat. But he could handle dramatic feline art for a chance to watch that small rear raunchy hit and swing through his ranch. And he had. I was well aware of why she slapped his back earlier. He felt the warmth of her gaze on his back as he walked in front of her. It had been a bit confusing, a sense that he was not used. He never felt a woman watching him so, he knew without a doubt where his gaze was directed. It was pretty confident that she was happy with what he was looking at. But no more than he was. He smiled as he noted Cassie's efforts to control the extremely feminine sway of her hips. She could feel his eyes too? Hell, yes she could, he thought a second later, refusing to believe that it was the only one in torment. That would not be acceptable.
He could not remember Cassandra inspiring this hunger in him two years before. It had been fun. Hell, he'd been willing to fuck the little tempting Special Forces operative, but had no desire for it. He wanted now. Erron shook his head as they approached the ranch house porch. The cat wailed again. Damn, that fat rat hunter black apology would be in your home, dropping hair on your furniture, probably eating their food and tormenting the hell out of it. And God only knew what your hybrid wolf, wolf, would think about adding to the house. He just hoped his canine friend was also trained as he tried to teach him to be. Otherwise, that cat would wolf food and an unpleasant memory in a matter of hours.
It was not that the punishment was costly; was that the situation was annoying, Cassie thought as she prepared to escape the house stealthily. Clear it was child's play, and cooking was one of his favorite pastimes. Not that she left Mr. Western needed to know this. He obstinately changes, procrastinated, shot him evil looks as he watched and generally did their best to leave any work assigned to it after the confrontation the day before. She could tell it was no more than he expected. She loved the house. But it was not her house and she was not the girl guilty and sentenced him, and Cassie was sure as hell like Erron was stubborn and refused to hear the truth. Also, she was not quietly bowing his head and accepting his punishment idea. She stopped playing to be the rebellious girl when you put that and other confusions. - Come on, John, - she whispered as she lifted the fat cat and slid carefully into the track loader that made one of the pillowcases. The bed sheets were tied together and anchored in heavy leg of the bed, giving her just enough space to slide a meter and twenty below the end of the sheet. Mr. Raccoon Expert had locked the door to his room, but he forgot the windows, she snickered.
John sighed a little breath of boredom as she slid the makeshift bag over his back and crawled above the parapet. Holding the attention she slid the sheet carefully down its length until it was forced to let the material go and drop the final distance. John sighed a little breath of boredom as she slid the makeshift bag over his back and crawled above the parapet. Holding the attention she slid the sheet carefully down its length until it was forced to let the material go and drop the final distance. She landed easily and smiled in triumph. I had no idea where he was, but soon find out. There was a road leading to the house, and roads always clashed with cities in some damn place. It could take a while to get out of there, but at least it was free. Free sexy accent Erron Black, the heat emanating from his big body and his sexy smile. Free of temptation those two years of sexual fantasies caused. Moving quickly she ran through the rough aspect of land, keeping the road in sight, but getting a careful distance from her. If it happened to check it out and found his escape, he will probably start looking for the road first. Cassie made sure that would not be stupid at large. She would succeed.
Well, he wondered how long it would take for her to make her first escape attempt. Erron laughed in amusement as he saw for a moment the tied sheets together and out of the main window to the ranch garden below. His small fugitive jumped from his cage, and instead of fury would have expected, he felt anticipation rising instead. She intrigued him. Damn if he did not. He waited not be touched, amused or intrigued by it, but outside. And damn if the thought of pursuing her was not giving him an erection like no other I have ever had before. Shaking his head in the phenomena he retreated to his room, he collected the rifle and led Wolf to follow him. The hybrid wolf would be a hell of a surprise when he could find it. Wolf did not eat or cat, but give her an idea of what could be serving at the table when she wandered the East Texas landscape alone. Wolf followed his footsteps as he moved through the house and out to the garden from the back. Using the small flashlight he carried, he found the marks under the sheet and estimated that she had a good lead thirty minutes it. Far enough to do it well.
Shaking his head as he choked back his laughter, Erron cut a large strip of the sheet and lowered it to Wolf get a good smell. - Find our girl, wolf, - he said softly as he smiled in anticipation. - I'll be right behind you. What was that girl? Erron shook his head as he left after the animal. There was no chance in hell that she was not the informer girl, but things were not fitting. Before Erron thought Cassie, despite being in the Special Forces, was a drug addict, little rich girl spoiled he was holding prisoner. But there was no needle marks on his arm. Her skin was creamy and smooth silky, rather than pale and colorless he remembered two years earlier. His eyes were vivid, clear blue, her body lush and graceful with the most intriguing scent of heat and woman he had ever smelled. It did repeatedly ask how sweet her pussy seria.E that beautiful ass prancing? ... It was enough to make your mouth water for a man. Not to mention what he did to his cock.
Not far ahead Wolf barked and warned Erron to the fact that he found the runaway girl. Erron quickened his pace, heading towards the sounds of excited wolf as he carefully shepherded Cassie toward him. He laughed when he finally heard her voice, thick with fear and challenge Wolf snapped at her feet. - You think I do not know what he told you? - She Wolf snapped as he jokingly lunged toward the bag she was carrying in front of her. Probably that damn cat. - And no, you can not have John. - Yes, it was the damn cat. John afraid to moan could be heard from inside the cloth prison. - Go away, your creature full of fleas. - He could hear the threat of tears in his voice as he watched her try to resume the direction that had been directed. Wolf would not be denied, however. He nipped at her feet, causing a cry of outrage to fill the empty night. - You bite me and I promise you, his master will be bald next time I see you. Cretin stupid. Get out of here. Wolf had the tip of his shirt in his mouth, dragging her back, ignoring the desperate beating his head as he pulled her.
Erron stood back and watched. Damn, she was lovely. She called Wolf all nasty name in the book, but as each minute passed, he could hear the shadow of laughter that grew in her voice as Wolf teased her. Wolf growled as she pulled her shirt, a deep, roaring warning that was nowhere as menacing as Erron would have expected him to be. The wolf usually took their obligations a little more seriously. He should be afraid, do not tease. - I'm not going back there. - She pulled against the animal dragging. - Now let me go. The shirt tore, but Wolf was not intimidated. He grabbed the leg of his pants instead and pulled back sharply, sending her to the floor, dropping that beautiful ass. Erron expected to rise, struggling furiously. Instead, he watched as she merely sighed wearily. - Damn it. I'll kill that girl !, - he heard her whisper. - I swear to God, the first chance I get to kill you. There was a deep sigh of resignation before she lay her head on her knees raised. He was breathing harshly as Wolf looked at her with canine curiosity before returning to Erron per direction. Erron watched her curiously. She had to be aware that he was there, but his whispered words still hated more than he wanted to admit. John meowed loudly and sadly from inside what appeared to be a pillowcase converted into a small pouch type. - Be quiet, John, - she said. - If I let you go, you will become dog food. Is that what you really want? She was quiet now. As if I knew it would not do any good to it, no other fight. Conserving his strength, he thought with amusement. As excited as he was right now, it could be the wise course for her. He was so damn hard, that if he could take her to a bed, it would be a long time before she could get out of there.
Shaking his head, Erron walked toward her, staring down at the rolled red gold mass that had been tied behind her neck, revealing the perfection of her pale profile. He hesitated to touch her. Rather, he stopped centimeters from his feet and stared down at her with what he hoped was a forbidding expression. It would not be good for her to see how easily he was softening around her, or how much he wanted. She was becoming a famine. A necessity. In little more than a few days she left her senses on fire, and despite the confusion, he thought he had little resistance against it. - Are you ready to go back? - He asked her sternly, pressing her lips together firmly to contain the smile that would have sharp. - To tell the truth not. - Anger laced her tone as she kept her face buried in her knees. She had to be exhausted. Despite his best attempts to appear as if he was not cleaning the house, many of the damned Rooms were shining. He could not understand it. When he first gave her the rich cleaning supplies he had bought, she lifted her lip in contempt. But in each room where he dragged the improvement was almost immediate.
Erron bent her knees, lowering himself until he could stare into her eyes whenever she grant look up. She remained silent, refusing to lift his head. - You proclaimed his innocence almost convincingly the other day - he said softly. - So you do exactly what I would have expected Cassandra Cage. Only a guilty child runs to his punishment, Cassie. Not an innocent girl. - Oh God, the world has gone mad! - Her laughter was sharp with surprise as she shifted the cat to his side and stretched back, staring at the black velvet covered with stars sky. - Does he even heard what I said? - She seemed to require the heavens. - A crazy man kidnapped me. Have mercy, please - she prayed with exaggerated patience before staring back at him with shining eyes. - What about the innocent people who have no desire to clean his filthy mess?
Erron watched curiously as Wolf. The animal was a little further on this, however. He escaped close to her, nudging her neck with his nose before barking annoyingly in your ear. John cried loudly and sadly within the raw bag fell to his side. She closed her eyes tightly before slowly getting up. - Next time, I steal the fucking truck, - she said. Erron smiled as he stood up too, looking at her fixedly below. - You have to steal the keys first. You want to know where they are? - He stuck his hands in his trouser pocket and shook them keys. - I imagined. Probably where your fucking brain is also - she growled, returning to the house. - Just my luck. Just look, nothing on top. Let's hope for the sake of their past lovers that at least you know what to do with the machine a little further down, because my personal opinion is, that's all you have use for you.
Erron relaxed his laughter. It was fun. If there was anything in place of irritation behind his tone, then he probably would have been just a little offended. But his tone was teasing, a little abstract. She was plotting another way to escape while waiting to tease him enough that he did not realize it. - No complaints so far, - assured her as she walked carefully behind her. - Maybe you should test this for yourself. Unless a refined growl left his lips. - No thank you. As hard as I know that you think is the decision I must decline your offer lovely. - At the moment - he smiled. But not for long, he promised himself. She came to a stop, turning to him, and he was surprised by the icy look she gave him, the pride and haughty disdain that filled his expression. - Save your lust for someone who wants, Mr. Black. I do not want. And sure as hell do not want the remains of other women. Please be gentle while keeping this in mind. Almost an hour later Erron was still smoldering in the indictment as he dragged her into the house and up to his room. She fought with him almost every damn step until he threatened to throw in his shoulder instead. His angry silence the rest of the way just edged the borders of his anger.
Well. Maybe she really did not know what his friends were up to the day that nearly killed him and Kano. She looked innocent enough. There was none of the drug use signs it and it was a hell wittier than he imagined. She could make it feel like mud with those wounded eyes, blue eyes full of shadows, and he wanted to cringe every time she turned to him in the indictment. And she was always so refined. She even moved like a lady. Smooth and flexible, teasing and tempting him in ways he would not have thought she could. She was a class girl, was what she was. Moving with grace and regal bearing that made him look at her even when not wanted. But she did not have to lie about who she was. All she had to try was the truth. Stupidity was forgettable, lie not. He hated liars. And she did not have to call it 'remains' when he did not even have a chance to fuck her. Still. That could change quickly, however, he thought as he went to his room. I was burning for her. Less than a week into his presence and his penis was like hot iron in his pants, so ready to fuck I could feel the leak pre-cum from his small hole. - This is not my room - she finally shouted angrily as he pushed into her room and slammed the door shut behind him.
Tension, thick and hot, supplied air. His body was hard and restless and she was soft, and he knew she would be so damn sweet to taste that would send him over the edge of his control. She looked more like a frightened woman girl than an enticing, however, as she surrounded him, her eyes wide, her pale face as his fists clenched at his side. So innocent. Damn it. She sucked his cock like a pro and now acted like a virgin offended. -. It's not - he agreed coldly as he struggled with the bag with her cat and released the small tormented feline. For his efforts, the little black devil gave a knock on it a second before disappearing under your bed. He would drive to Cassandra decided not then make a run for the door. The girl deserved a medal for absolute stubbornness. He grabbed her arm, pulling her quickly to a stop before pushing her to bed. If he had his hands on it for more than a second, he feared he could lose any semblance of control. He was dying to have those luscious lips, a sweet kiss and see if his mouth tasted so hot and sweet as he knew it would. - Since I can not trust you to be quiet, you will be where I can watch, - snapped as he pushed the blankets off the four pilasters bed, struggling with hunger. - Now take off your clothes. He turned to her as her eyes widened in shocked outrage. - I will not take.
She should be on stage, he thought angrily. She played damn well the innocent virgin. It was no virgin sucking his dick two years earlier. This was a well-trained woman experienced that swallowed every drop of semen poured into her mouth. - Stop the bloody operation, - snapped back against it. - I'm tired and unwilling to your little show protestations of innocence. Take your fucking clothes and enter the bed before I tear them off you. His fingers tightened on the need to do this, then rip their own and plunge his hard cock and so deep into her sex as he could. He could feel the blood coursing through your veins to this thought. To hold it beneath him, hearing her scream his name, his hips pumping beneath him as he fucked her, in addition to the challenge.
- Adding rape for their crimes now? - She scoffed, surprising him. - Erron surely there are idiots women enough around here to take care of stupid cowboys in heat. Or you have to wait for a time, like other animals do? Erron held in its control carefully. I could not blame her for being angry, to attack against him with fury. But he would be damned if he allowed her to push more. More than he felt his own temper would allow. And that surprised him. No woman has played in that dark pit inside. The restless desire, hungry that had always been careful to keep hidden. She was doing more than trying, that throbbing, burning center, however; I was doing hunger boil. She was waking aside her that even he was cautious. - You have one minute to stand and crawl in that bed, - he growled softly. To Wolf, that was followed in the room, she looked at him worriedly when he used that tone. - Starting now.
Cassie felt trepidation suddenly engage around their senses. His tone was dark, dangerous, but the sudden change of color in his eyes was even more. They darkened, became almost fierce in intensity, and did assume and after the opinion he had formed that Erron Black was any safe way. He did not even hurt, he remembered. Not hurt her now. But damn if it was not hard to fight against fear. She felt a sweat mark on his forehead as he stared at her, felt the hunger awakened him jumping involve around her. Twisted, pain and nightmares cruel hands touching her body attacked his mind then. She fought the instinctive need to trust him. To believe in the fantasy visions that had him since their first meeting. - Please ... - She turned away from him. - I will not do it again. I'll be good. - She almost shuddered in hasty words that suddenly flew from his lips. Damn, she was no longer a child. She swallowed hard, calmed his voice and whispered, - Erron, do not do this.
There was no mercy in his expression. In fact, it seemed harder, more determined than ever. Tension grew in the room. It was thick with sexual tension with her fear. - Undress yourself. - She flinched as his voice hardened. The wolf whimpered in the corner of the room in confusion. She would not do it. Cassie straightened her shoulders, knowing that he would lose the fight to come, but would not stop fighting. She shuddered at the thought of how he could calm his challenge, however, as he had been firm once before, she wanted to scream in rage. Cassie held her cry. Need energy for it later, he was afraid. She walked away from him, watching him carefully as he struggled to breathe. I could feel the hard beat of his heart in his chest, the blood pounded in his veins and the cold sweat that covered his body. She hated the fear. I hated the weakness that brought and the sense of vulnerability that seemed only to intensify. - No -. She grabbed the front of his shirt in defense while challenged. He was not a man who would take that challenge easily.
They had gone for his first shirt during that night of horror and pain in the cells. They tore his body and then tore the uniform pants loose prison of her hips as she struggled to cover. Every time she said, the punches were only worse. But she did not stop, not until she lost consciousness, not until the pain becomes so great that he knew that death itself came to save her. But she did not come. She lived. And now lived with the memories too. I would get sick. She could feel her rolling stomach, I felt the fear that took over her as she stared back into his stony expression. It was a nightmare that she was not sure she could survive. He took a step toward her and Cassie jumped back, just aware of the groan that escaped his throat, or sudden soft growl Wolf. But Erron stopped then. His piercing eyes went to the animal side of the room, before moving slowly behind her. Cassie swallowed tightly, forcing back the bile rising in his throat. Erron was tall, strong. Stronger than any man I know. If he tried to force her ... - Cassandra Cage, I will not hurt you - he suddenly breathed tiredly, though his gaze was very intense, very aware now for her to find any comfort.
He moved instead to her dresser and pulled out a dark shirt. - Take it to the bathroom and change. You will sleep in this bed. With me. Not even doubt it. But I never take anything you do not give willingly to me. She was shaking. Cassie did not realize how hard she was shaking until he heard his teeth creak as he approached. She bit her lip, fighting the need to run, run away as he advanced. I could not cry, could not be trusted to articulate a sound, afraid that if he did, the memories that she fought so hard to contain, dump out of it as bitter acid, injuring both. - On here. - He pressed his shirt in her hand then stroked her cheek as she reeled away from him. - Get ready for bed, Cassandra. Now. She took the shirt. - My pajamas - she whispered as she struggled to speak without stammering. - You get me a couple? In my room. Soft pants too would provide more protection, more notice if he decided to change his mind. She needed that confidence needed more than anything right now. - No, Cassandra. - He shook his head, causing his chest tighten in fear. - You have to learn to understand that I will not hurt you. We'll start tonight. No pants. Now go change. You have five minutes and not a minute more. She stared at him, feeling that the crisis was, however, his mind refused to accept it. He seemed to surround it, taking all the air in the room, complete freedom of movement. Avoiding him, watched him carefully, she moved to the faint bathroom sanctuary and hopefully prayed the door is key. Needed time to quiet the dark shadows that haunted his mind, time to fix the fragile control he destroyed very easily.
He was shaking. Erron stared down at his hands as if they belonged to someone else, admiring the trembling extensions. Suspicion crossed by him as a tempestuous wave, and he did not like the conclusions that was projecting. Cassie Cage was like a light, fluid and brilliant if you were angry or teasing, and hot like a fucking firecracker. Until he left the anger boiling to the surface. Until she realized she was in her bed - Nua, in your mercy. And the terror flooded. And there was only one reason for such fear excessive. She had been raped? Of course it had been. He shook his head, fighting the anger began to burn in his chest. There was no other excuse for this. No other way to explain his reaction to it. Had it not been for Wolf, he feared he would not have seen the full horror in her eyes as she struggled with disobedience against him. He had seen her beauty, her sudden excitement for her, but only the wolf warning growl made him understand the true cause of despair. The animal felt he had been too stupid to admit. - Damn, - he whispered as he pushed his fingers nervously through his hair. His excitement had hit a stop the minute he realized how truly scared she was. He knew that fear did not come from his confrontation with her two years before. There had been no fear in it then, only anger. And something did not make sense. Confusion. He remembered it now. She had been confused, cautious, but resigned.
He stood up as the handle turned slowly several minutes later and then opened. She left the bathroom, his shoulders straight, his proud head while faced, dressed in his shirt. Curse. He envied that shirt in ways that could not name. Covering her breasts full, delicious and finished in the middle of the thighs. Her legs were well-formed, well-tuned, and so tempting, he could spend hours playing it. His eyes blazed, however. The blue fire sparking angry and the remains of his fear. - Wolf, keep it here, - He ordered the wolf as he watched Cassie Cage carefully. - Go to bed. I'm tired to the bone and do not want to fight you, girl. We'll talk in the morning. - I'll go home in the morning, - she said quietly. - And my name is Cassie Cage. Erron sighed sharply. - You're acting more like that damn spoiled cat than anything. And you're not going anywhere tomorrow. Now enter the bed before I have to tie you in it. I'm not in the mood for dramas or temperaments. I had enough for the day. He went to the bathroom before you do something stupid. Something like pull her into his arms, holding her to his chest and swore he would never hurt her, never let any hurt her. Making promises he knew she would never believe.
As he slammed the bathroom door he came to a surprising, horrified realization. He was beginning to like her, and it just would not happen. He could not afford to like the little wildcat. No and survive with your heart intact. But damn, if it not already happened. Shaking his head at his own foolishness, Erron prepared for bed. He stripped off his clothes, washed the dust from his face and pulled the shadows of his eyes, and quickly brushed her teeth. Weariness dragged him, but also excitement, and he wondered about the sanity of having her sleeping in her bed. He could have put Wolf to save it. Really considered doing this until watched as the wolf merely played with her instead of displaying aggression he should have turned it earlier. She charmed the animal Kano called a beast demon and Erron wondered if he could trust him in anything but gasp at his feet now. He snorted at that thought while turned off the light and left the bathroom. Wolf was not the only one willing to gasp on your feet right now. She was in bed, hugging the edge as if his life depended on it, the sheet and the padded standing over her shoulders as she lay beside him, her back to him. When he got into bed, he was careful to keep the top sheet under his body and used the bedspread just to warm up. He turned off the light and got into bed, resigned to a miserable night.
The long minutes silence filled the darkened room while Erron fighting every instinct in his body to turn to her. He so desperately needed as needed air now. His cock was throbbing, driving him mad with desire to fuck her, filling it with all your hard inch. Finally, he sighed wearily. He could feel his weariness stretch between them, so nerves that held his body rigid kept her prevented from sleeping. - I will not hurt you, you know, - finally told her softly. - I could hit that your ass tempting if you do not obey me, but I will not hurt you, Cassie Cage. - You have no right to hold me here, Erron - she finally answered. He wondered about the remorse line he heard in his voice. I was almost hidden, carefully contained, but prolonged echo stopped his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. - The arrest of Special Forces is better, Cassie? - He finally asked her. He could not imagine her in prison, his passion and restrained power, vulnerability traces those who had seen it, forever destroyed. She was very gentle, very kind to such an atmosphere. The silence greeted his question, and, though she did not sound, he could feel the sadness that seemed to wrap around her as comfortably as the blanket on the bed. He turned to his side, staring at the drop of fiery curls falling on her pillow of her back. - No, - she finally whispered, and the sound of his voice made him frown in confusion. It was full of pain, with throttled anger, as she breathed in weakness. - Prison is not preferable.
Cassie fell asleep and had a torturous nightmare. She was sweating cold. The cry of Cassie immediately woke Erron, his hand automatically reaching the firearm that kept beside his bed before realizing that the agonized cry was the terror of a nightmare in reality place. Turning to her, he automatically took in his arms as his body bent, his eyes opening suddenly glassy with terror and pain as she stared back at him. A second later, she began to struggle. The poured tears from her eyes as she screamed his name, even her nails scratched into his arms, her body shuddering, sweat pouring her as she struggled against him. - Cassandra! - He screamed his name, his hands held her arms as she clawed, flapping furiously before pushing her against his chest, holding her tight. - God's curse, wake up, baby, please wake up.
Her sobs were horrible to hear. Background, horrible screams that tore at his soul. - Oh God. A dream - she gasped in his chest as the cat suddenly jumped to bed, wailing, howling their cats gnashed their nerves Erron. - Let me go. - She pushed against him, barely able to speak for screams, barely act by the hard tremors tearing through her body. - Let me go. Let me go… He slowly released her, staring at her in shock as she clung to the small fat cat and dragged him into his arms. His face buried in the skin of her neck as cat relieved cries and burning feline eyes stared back at him with a grim weariness that had shaking his head in shock.
The damn cat was meowing now, a low, soothing sound, a silent sound, while Cassie was shaking, his arms holding tight animal, your skin absorbing the terrified sobs that were finally getting weaker. - Cassandra. - He wanted to touch her, needed to touch her. God help him, but the sound of their cries was to break what remanescia his heart. - Honey, you'll get sick crying so much. He tried to keep his voice soft, so soothing as the cat meowing became. - Go away. - It was almost choking as he fought for breath. - Leave me alone, Erron. Just leave me alone. As hell. He approached, his arms going around her despite the hardness suddenly took his body. - Do you think that choke this cat will do it better, Cassie? - He asked her severely. - That's not what you need and we both know it.
She shivered against him. - Let me help you, baby, - he whispered in her hair. - Come on, let the poor little John go. - He smoothed her hand down her arm, her hand covering her as he dragged it gently. - Let's go Dear. We will chase the demons back the right way. He took her tear trickling down his face, surprised that she was not fighting him. Deserted, subduing pain filled his eyes, tearing at his heart. - All right, baby. - He lowered his head, swallowing the salty tears that fell from his eyes. - Come on, let me hold you. That's all. Just hold you. She eased her grip on the cat slowly, allowing the animal from or stay as he wanted. Erron pushed the fat little body; Reminding himself to buy the animal their own cans of tuna for the comfort he so obviously brought her in the past. Cassie turned too quickly for the cat to be anything other than habit. He comforted. The cat was indifferent and cold at any other time, superior in its place in the world, until her screams agreed. - Let's go. - Erron pulled her against him more fully, hating the tremor that tore through her. - It's all right. His lips touched hers. Gently. Tenderly. - Erron - she finally whispered. He drew in a deep breath and stared back at him with slow waking consciousness. - I'm so sorry. I feel so much.
She tried to pull away then. He tried, but he was not to allow this. Erron did not give her time to protest. His lips covered her gently, his tongue licking her as she ran her through the velvet heat of his mouth. He felt her quiet. He felt the shudders decrease in a reluctant trembling as he moved his lips over hers softly. Pampering, nipping happily, watching it carefully over the edge of her lashes as she stared at him in the darkness. - The nightmares are nasty little creatures - he murmured against her lips as her hands smoothed over her back, moving to bury in her hair. - You have to chase them back, show them that when they come to calling, you'll fight dirty. He smiled at the confusion blazing in his eyes. He nipped gently on her lips, teasing her now with the threat of his kiss, keeping her waiting, watching. - They do not come crawling if they know something good will follow their disturbance. So we just have to show them that you play dirty, huh? You like that, baby?
His hands wrapped his head as he lowered her back to bed down next to her, keeping her slow and easy movements, not threatening, not intense, just a silky slip of desire and pleasure to calm down and try. - I'm not'm girlfriend, Erron. - She suddenly cried out, leaving him still. - Do not hold me like this and think that I am one of your admirers, Erron. He scowled at her as she moved a hand to allow your fingers caress his cheek. - Cassandra Cage, - he whispered then. - All graceful and smooth like a little cat. Curious and tempting as sin. Come here, little Cassie, let me show you how to chase away the nightmares. He would understand the line of fear and desire in her statement later. Right now, attractive, lips swollen with tears awaited. He wanted reddened with his passion, moving below its hungry with abandon. And they were.
A soft moan of surrender escaped her as he bent his lips over hers and once again used his tongue to tease her higher. Within seconds his arms were wrapped around her shoulders while temporarily relaxed the fiery embrace. Control, Erron reminded himself. He could not take it now. Not while she was weak, frightened. I wanted to calm her, wanted her to know that would hold for any fears that control it. He wanted - God help him, he needed - you trust. - This now. - He stepped back long seconds later and pulled her closer into his embrace. - Look? It's all, baby. A small smile suddenly sharpened his lips; He knew she could feel the sexual tension involving around them. - I should go back to sleep now? - She finally asked him, his voice hoarse, but pleasantly without fear. - Well, - he said finally, without a small amount of fun - Unless you want to take care of this erection killing me. Otherwise, I would advise you to go fast sleep or I might be tempted to convince you to help me with this matter.
She was definitely considering it. For a second his heart was in anticipation before entering a strenuous and fierce lust beating inside his chest. Then his eyes snapped shut, but the corners of his lips were nearing a smile. - I'm asleep - she murmured exhausted. Erron huffed and sank deeper into his pillow, holding her to his chest and trying to fight back her own fears. His screams haunt forever, he thought. What the hell happened to her? - Convince yourself of it, honey. - He kissed the top of her head and sighed wearily. - Now, go to sleep before my lust predominates my head and convince me that you are well able to deal with a good, old-fashioned fall. His laughter was more relaxed now as her body softened against him. - Thank you, Erron - she finally whispered. - Whereby? Honey, I did not do nothing but get me a hard erection as stone without relief in sight. You should regret it. Really regret. - He exaggerated his slow speech, enjoying his laughter down into the darkness. - Thank you anyways. - She snuggled closer, sighed deeply, and within minutes was back to sleep.
She left Erron staring into the darkness, a scowl on his face and suspicion building in his head. But one thing was clear. Whatever the hell that was happening, she was not the kind of woman he had been led to believe, nor was a drug addict and prostitute overshadowed their information insinuated. It was almost ... innocent. He wanted to shake her head to dispel that image. The woman sucked his dick two years before was not innocent, not anyway. But incredible as it seemed, the woman cleaning your house, and now sleeping in his bed was.
Cassie did her best to ignore Erron the next day. Not that the nightmare had left her frightened. Incredibly, he left her comforted than it had been after such an episode. No, she was avoiding Erron because that single act suddenly comfort shifted the balance of your emotions. What it had been simple lust, a desire for that hard-as-hell body was turning into something she did not understand, something deeper, something more intense. Something that was almost frightening. He held the night. His arms, so muscular, strong and warm. God, he was so hot.
She paused while loading the washer with dusty jeans and closed his eyes at the thought of it, remembering him holding her. A shiver ran down her spine. As live bands of flexible steel, his arms surrounded her, lulling around her and holding her close to his chest. And his chest ... She sighed. She was a lost cause. One of those silly, insipid females collapsed by lust. She put his jeans in the washer as well grimaced in this idea. It was bad enough that she had been a doormat for his family his whole life, but this was ridiculous. She belittled women collapsed so damn easy. - But it's just for now - she muttered to herself as she stared at the washer depths as if he could really expect answers.
He would realize his mistake soon. Erron was not a stupid man, just a man determined. And when he realized what he did, he would catch her and take her back to her empty apartment and his empty life. It was not that she could not find a lover if he wanted one. It was, unfortunately, a matter of having wanted one man. Erron. cowardly fool, she chided. A glance at the hot cowboy a meter and eighty-what does? Goodbye, good sense; Hello, hormones. She slammed the lid closed washer. - I'm not this crazy, - muttered to herself. - God, I have to have more self-control than that. - I do not know, Cassie. If you start answering yourself, however, I worry if I were you. Cassie turned around, his eyes grew in mortification, her body flushed in embarrassment as he stared back at the object of his madness.
Erron leaned casually against the jamb laundry, his gray eyes reflecting fun, a smile curled those lips hungry. That full lower lip was so tempting as chocolate and she knew her kiss was anything but sweet. It was hot and wild and minds destroyer, and she wanted to feast on it. - I thought you were outside, - she snapped, turning quickly away from him checking out the clothes in the dryer before connecting with a quick jolt the button. - I was. - She could hear the shrug in his voice.
A second later she heard him approaching. She tensed, but her pussy began to regret in serious trouble. That particular part of his body was not happy with his reticence to jump on his bones. It really was not fair, she thought. Men like Erron Black seriously should be arrested for the good of all females. He was too close. She could smell it. He straightened the fabric softener containers, washing detergent and various stain removers as he struggled with the race of his heart, the tightening of her nipples. Why did he have to be so damn nice last night? If he had been a bastard, she could have resisted, could have remembered is how cruel and rude and totally unreasonable he was. - Cassie. - His chest touched her back as she drew in a long, hard breath. - You feel it too, baby. It's not fair to leave. She shook her head, denying it, denying it. - Do you have any idea how hard it was just hold you last night? - He asked her. - Its hard small hot nipple piercing my chest, even beneath that shirt. I bet I have the marks to prove it singed.
She could not stop the smile that begged to bend his lips, but kept her back to him, shaking, pushing in response when he kissed her bare shoulder. The short sleeveless top was no defense against it. The gauze elastic skirt she wore suddenly seemed very heavy, very restrictive. I wanted to get naked with him. I wanted to move on beds and floors and tables and scream in pleasure as he fucked her, leaving her more meaningless than should have been. - I have half an hour before a buyer appears, - he murmured, his lips touched up her bare skin again. - Plenty of time, baby, to show you how good he could be.
Oh hell. As if he had to tell her anything. Until her womb was rippling with little aftershocks. Her panties have to be replaced. And she dared not return because her nipples were to pop the cloth of his shirt, they were so damn hard. Yes, she was in trouble here. - I have to clean ... something. - She rolled her eyes betrayal in his voice. foolish criticism, she accused. - Hmm. - The gentle mockery against his neck was twitching in response. - Erron, please ... - She licked her suddenly dry lips as he struggled to hold his control. - This is not the wisest course of action here. - You know how this sexy little skirt looks like? - He ignored his statement as his hands gripped a smoothing down her thigh. - I denied myself all day, Cassie. Turn around, baby, and tell me why I should not get that poor excuse of clothes and push my cock so deep into her sweet pussy as I can. Why could he not? There was a reason why he should not? Ridiculous.
She turned, opened his mouth to say something ... she was right, but quickly forgot that when his lips covered hers. He lifted her against his chest, his arms going around her, making her whimper in the heat, the security of being wrapped so comfortably against him. Her lips opened to him, her tongue finding him with a speed and hungry she knew she should have her shocked. His hands went to her hair. All that long, thick light brown silk under his hat. The hat was pushed quickly out of the way - who the hell cared where it landed?
The fingertips could have orgasms? His fingers folded. The flesh covering them protesting with pleasure in the feel of fresh, incredibly smooth locks that suddenly gripped. His lips ate hers, but she ate in return. deep hard kisses that attracted her breath from her body and left her dependent only on it for survival. His head shook, his lips slanted over hers as he growled into the kiss and raised more. - Erron ... - She tore her lips from him, calling his name in obfuscated pleasure as he felt the cold metal of the washer beneath her bare bottom. The panties were no protection.
His head was removed as his lips moved down her neck. His tongue was a demon. He licked his lips as created a gentle suction over the sensitive points of the meat column. A hand smoothed down her skirt, opening her thighs, pulling closer to the hot center of need that tormented her. - God, you're like a flame, - he groaned as his other sneaky, evil hand, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pushed her over her swollen breasts. - Sweet paradise - he muttered grimly. - Cassie, honey ...
Cassie opened her eyes, staring at her flushed face, lustful and she swore she nearly came in that second. A man looked at her with such hunger and need? Never, she quickly be answered. Not at any time. - Bad idea ... - She trembled as his hand enveloped the full curve, his thumb rough above sensitized tip. She was not to make it stop. - Good idea - he denied. The best damn idea I ever had. His lips covered the summit lifted and Cassie lost the last bit of common sense might have originally possessed, while the heat of his mouth surrounded his needy nipple.
She could endure the pleasure? She arched to him, a tight moan escaping her lips as his fingers sank deeper into his hair, holding his head to her as he suckled on deeply tight flesh. Her legs tightened on his hips as he pushed closer, rubbing the hard tip of his cock against the swollen mound of her pussy. Oh God, it was very good. His teeth nibbled on the hard ridge his mouth wrapped his tongue whipping him with boiling demand before him suck it firmly once more. She could not sit still. He could not stop his hands to hold him closer, his hips moved, rubbing her pussy against the hot bar of meat behind the tight jeans. Her clit was swollen, throbbing, so agonizingly sensitive she knew it would take very little to send her bursting into an orgasm. - God. I'll end up fucking you wildly this damn washing machine, - he muttered as he retreated, despite her trying to hold him.
She should protest against it? He shuddered as he pushed her skirt up, his fingers verging on the elastic side of her lacy panties. She was dying with anticipation, her saturated pussy with him while he stared back into consciousness overshadowed exactly where this was heading. - I want to taste you, - he whispered as his fingers dug under the income slowly, pulling it to the side while his other hand clutching his back until his shoulders touched the wall behind the washer. - That way, baby. Only a proven ... His tongue struck by the warm cleft of her sex, wrapped around her clit then traveled back down suddenly to dive at the entrance of her pussy as he lifted her legs over her shoulders. - Oh God! Erron! - He would kill her. She had no experience to fight, did not have the self-control to deny it. - Mmm. - The sound of pleasure, the feeling of your fucking tongue inside her was almost too much. She was reaching desperately ... oh God, I was so close. His hands were in his hair again, holding him to her as he ate with such sensuous abandonment she felt lost in fiery flight to wherever he was determined to push her.
Crazy, she thought. Complete and unconscious.
His tongue was a sensual torture weapon. Flickered in and out of her pussy, licking up the shallow slit to torment her swollen clit, his lips covering, nursing it, his rough tongue over it. She was seconds an orgasm. I could feel building in her womb, her nerve endings joining themselves to the explosion. - Eh Erron, where the hell are you? - She froze at the sound of little-known voice echoing through the house. - Damn, cowboy, I thought you wanted to sell those horses. Erron jumped back. While looked in surprise, Cassie felt her womb contract by cruel necessity in view of his lips glistening with proof of his excitement. - Fuck! - His voice was brutally rough with lust, his almost black eyes as he straightened up quickly. He took her shirt quickly, then leave. Grabbing a clean shelf above the washer, he quickly dried her lower face, his deep expression as he stared back at her. - Sam August, - he muttered. - Hell. Be presentable, baby. This is a man that you do not want to try. - Good Hell, no surprise because you did not answer. - Fun and rudely confident the smiling man's voice was like a cold shower for Cassie hormones.
The big cowboy suddenly framed the entrance was breathtakingly beautiful. Laughing blue eyes watched in amusement as the sensual lips curved upward in response to the curse Erron. - I should come back later? - You should put your ass back in the kitchen until I get there - Erron snapped, staring at Cassie with surprised look. Sam August laughed quietly. - That's right, Erron, Heather would have my balls if I even consider it. Do what you have to do in and out of here. I brought with me and she gets a little impatient to have to wait long. Cassie looked between the two men in surprise as Erron helped out of the washer, shielding her body with her as if trying to hide it from the other man. - The criminal, right? - Sam lifted his neck to see around Erron. - Hell, son, it does not seem harsh enough to be a criminal ...
The kick Cassie handed in Erron cinnamon was anything but weak, as she pushed past him and moved to the entrance. The fury engulfed her. Condemning all to hell and back. - What the hell ... - Erron staring down at her looked a glimpse of his own anger. - What was this? Instead of answering, she turned to her friend. - Criminal, my ass, - she informed Sam furiously. - Try Cassie Cage or I'll take your head just after you have finished taking his. Now, excuse me while I try to find my sanity. I'm sure that is floating around here somewhere.
She walked offended laundry going through a Sam August surprised, her head high as she kicked mentally to believe, even for one second, that there was a chance in hell Erron Black could have even considered suspect that she was not guilty. Hell, he even told his friends about it. And God only knew what he told them. Stupid, she was charged again. And it was not as if he deserved it. She fell to Erron how foolish he thought she was. And this time, could not even blame everything on him. She did everything but beg for humiliation. Stupid.
Cassie had every intention of rushing straight up as if cursed by his good sense lapse. And she would have, if not almost run over the red-haired slender he had his head buried in the depths of almost empty refrigerator. - Oh Hello -.. The other woman straightened up and flashed a bright smile at Cassie before gazing back to the cavernous interior of the equipment. - I am convinced that Erron Black is a vampire. Man has to exist with some sort of nutrition, but you never see anything in your fridge. - She gestured to the empty half gallon of milk, some jars of pickled cucumbers and a full package of corned beef. - This is because their cooking skills are zero. - Cassie reached up and opened the top freezer door to show the myriad of TV dinners and frozen entrees that he kept stored there. - Oh. - His expression seemed to drop as she sighed in disappointment. - I knew I should have done Sam stop at Burger diner in town. - She closed the door and held out his hand. - I'm Heather August. You must be the kidnapped victim of Erron. You know it's against the laws of the Geneva Council let the prisoners hungry. You should mention this to Erron.
Cassie shook her hand while automatically stared back in fun green eyes directed at her. Heather August was not much higher than Cassie. She had a look of sensitive skin, healthy, creamy pale skin with only a broadcast of freckles across her nose. long red hair pulled back from her face and tied in a complicated braid that fell past her shoulder blades, hinting at a temperament that was not anywhere in sight at the moment. She was dressed in jeans and a blouse loose silk, dark blue. His hands were braced on his hips as he considered Cassie curiously. - It amazes me how everyone knows and yet I'm still stuck here. The kidnapping is against the law - Cassie grunted as he turned aside to Erron and Sam enter the room. - It is also drug trafficking, - Erron said while passing. - Better than prison, even more in the Special Forces. Remember? Heather laughed softly before Cassie could talk back an answer to Erron. - If I thought you were in any danger, I kick your ass myself. But I have to admit, you're not what I expected. Definitely not the kind of drug dealer drugs. Cassie felt like rolling his eyes. - Could be because I'm not a drug dealer. - She launched Erron an odious gaze as he followed her into the kitchen. - Exactly who said it to you anyway? If I find the law in this place for God's sake abandoned ... wherever I am ... read about it, I will not be happy. Erron mockingly bowed his brow as his dark gray eyes filled with amusement. - I did not see the sheriff in a few weeks, really. I did not get around to tell him about it. - Why not put a damn newspaper ad? - Cassie snapped fiercely. - Then you would not have to remember to tell anyone.
Erron laughed, though Sam and Heather seemed to watch her curiously. - A newspaper ad is not nearly as fast as the languages of some people - Sam laughed. - Luckily for Erron, we are confident. - He turned to Erron then. - Let's go do some horse business. Maybe his wife will have pity on my and make something edible. Those frozen dinners will kill you, man. Cassie crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the two men furiously. - I'm not your wife. He did not courted me, he kidnapped me. - The best weddings in the West began that way. - Sam shrugged, then laughed when the handle of his wife fell over her thick shoulder. - This is my tip to go. - He turned to Erron. - Let's go check my horses, Erron, before I can put myself in trouble.
Cassie watched Erron, his eyes narrowing as he struggled to hide his own smile and followed Sam's house. She wanted to hate him, wanted to blame him, but the more time spent with him, less eagerly expected him to discover the truth of who she was. And only made her madder. But the anger was directed more at herself now than at Erron. - He's a tough man, but he is a good man. - The voice of Heather suddenly interrupted his thoughts. - And I think he likes you more than is perhaps spreading. Cassie sighed and looked at the other woman. - You are hungry? - She ignored the remark Heather. - To tell the truth not. - She shrugged. - I just like to fight him because of it. He never eats properly. Cassie snorted. - Man can not boil water safely. Thankfully, he kidnapped someone who knows how to cook. How about some coffee and rolls cinnamon instead? - Sounds great. I can do anything to help? - Heather asked as Cassie moved to the coffee machine and began to make a fresh pot. - The rolls were baked this morning and the coffee will not take more than a few minutes. - Cassie shrugged. - Go ahead and feel. I'll have it ready soon.
Silence filled the small room as Cassie preparing coffee, removed the cups from the cabinet and broke fresh baked rolls that made that morning. It took only minutes for coffee to be ready; During that time Cassie took small saucers, sugar and cream and endured the scrutiny of the narrow eyes of Heather. She wondered what Erron told the couple about it. Of course, they would have known about the part of the other girl in the shooting two years earlier. Erron seemed quite close to the other man, so she had no doubt that Sam August knew about it. There was also resentment glimpse of the other man's eyes as he watched. He was courteous, a little mockingly perhaps, but she could tell he was worried about Erron. Heather seemed more direct, though she still had to say something. She merely watched as Cassie preparing coffee, poured in huge cups and then returned to the table. - You're another girl - Heather finally said softly. - You are not a criminal. Surprise, Cassie stared up another woman. - Erron swears no other girl - she said sarcastically. - Then you must be wrong. Heather laughed softly. - I'd say Erron spent very little time in your subject of research. The minute that Sam told me what Erron did I boarded the computer. I have to admit, I'm glad he did not kidnap that crazy. She would make sure that he went to prison for it. - And you think I will not - Cassie asked coldly as she stirred sugar into his coffee. Heather put her head to one side and considered for long moments. - I do not think you will. I think you are more likely to fuck him until he takes, than see him behind bars. Cassie could feel the heat filling her face and knew she was blushing in embarrassment and knowledge. The other woman was extremely perceptive. - I'm more likely to kill him myself. - She sighed. - You want to help me convince him that he has the wrong woman?
Heather leaned back in his chair and watched silently. Cassie thought those green eyes could be focused uncomfortably as she stared back. - Why not just let you hang yourself? - Heather finally shrugged. - I rarely saw Erron smile as he did today. He is more relaxed - almost happy. And I do not feel a burning desire in you to be free. She was much too close to the truth. - I should be desperate to escape. - Cassie shook her head in that knowledge. - I think I'm a failure as a victim of a kidnapping.
The episode that washer previously proved this. I would have begged him to take her at that moment if Sam did not show up. And have not regretted it, he thought. I would be delighted. - I think maybe you're just what he needs right now. - Heather leaned forward again and raised his cup of coffee. - Teach him how to cook while you're here. Maybe he kills if not frozen dinners after you leave ... That is, if he let you go. Cassie was surprised with smile that touched on the lip of another woman, as she lifted her cup of coffee and sipped the hot drink. Heather seemed very convinced to leave would not be an option. - He has to let me go soon. - Cassie stared out the window at his side, watching as Erron took one of the huge barn horses to Sam examine. - He will not keep me trapped forever. No matter how much she wanted him to be. For a moment, shock vibrated through her system. This was not what she was looking for, was it? It was not a question he could answer right then. - Stranger things have happened. - Heather shrugged. - But what will be will be. Now tell me about the girl who is really guilty and how the hell you ended up being kidnapped in his place. I'm dying of curiosity.
Heather and Sam did not stay long, but when the two men concluded their visit, Cassie knew he made a friend. Not that Erron seemed comfortable with the idea, not Sam. But both men seemed smart enough not to comment. Moreover, as the night passed slowly, Cassie could tell Erron had something much more serious in your mind. He continued watching her silently. His dark gray eyes were thoughtful, his serious expression to convince her. She had a feeling he knew what was coming, but when the question was asked, she thought she still had no answers that would have placated. - What happened to scare you last night? - The question gently made by Erron finally came after dinner. Cassie was in front of the sink finished washing the last of the dinner dishes and stared out the window in the dark yard. She lowered her head, focusing on the thick mass of foam that covered his hands and wondering what to say to him.
The truth can often hurt, and Cassie had no desire to hurt Erron. The fact that he had been the catalyst that ended with her in the prison cell that week had been forgiven long ago. His own foolishness, she realized, was the reason why landed there. She flinched as he heard the chair he was sitting scrape across the floor. She looked at the window, the speed of his heart grew in his chest as he approached. His face was grim, her light brown hair falling over his brow, his lips compressed into a controlled line as his eyes met hers in the glass reflection. - A woman would not be frightened at the thought of being tied up naked on the bed of a stranger? - She finally spoke in defense. He was approaching. She could feel the heat of his body over her back now, the intensity was such that a part of him wrapped around her with slight emotion lines. He stared at her in the glass until she finally turned her eyes, covering their retreat by closing the water and rinsing your hands shaking with a quick motion. - Cassandra Cage ... - He rang.
Cassie was still wanting nothing but close your eyes and escape the merciless perception in his eyes. She felt trapped by his gaze, attracted to this, captivated by the dark clouds of worry that changed within them as his hand rested on her hip. She swallowed tightly. - I have to finish the kitchen ... I would not give in to it. Not again. I could not let forget who he thought she was. She could not remember who it was. Despite her desire for him, despite the accelerated hunger for every cell in her body, she could not forget what he was doing there and it was his executioner. - Fuck the kitchen, Cassie. - A grim pursed between his brows as he turned to face him, both hands holding her hips now, holding it so close that a breath would have had difficulty passing between his body and his. - I want answers. You think I have not seen her terror? I did not suspect what was behind it? What happened? Cassie exhaled a little angry blast of air. - I should not answer you, Erron. You kidnapped me. He refused to listen to reason since it was informed of the mistake he had. And you pushes and prods me every chance that reaches to force admissions that are no more than lies to satisfy you. You have no right to be worried about anything. Cassie away, walking furiously through the kitchen to replace his chair under the table and straighten the small cloth dish. The old oak table glittered with its fresh blanket of wax, a testament to their hard work day. - Miss Cage, freedom comes with a price. - His voice was gentle, but the meaning was clear. - You can not change if you do not learn from your mistakes.
Amazement filled her. How kind and he sounded worried. It was almost enough to make her sick. - God, you can be more pompous. - She attacked furiously. - Listen to yourself, Erron. I told you at every opportunity that fool you are doing here and you're still not listening. What do you know? - She pushed her hands on her hips, tired of the arguments, sick of dealing with their determination to believe she guilty of a crime he did not commit. - You only believe what you want. All the others did. You want to believe that I am a criminal? Go ahead, fool, but do not expect me to cooperate. I got tired of playing the rebellious girl a long time ago and I will not let you force me to return to it. The situation would have been comical if not for the fact that she was aware that he was losing his heart to the stupid. - This is not about his refusal to admit who you are, - he said, his stern, dark voice. - I do not give a damn thing for who you want to pretend to be. Damn, Cassie Cage, have you considered the fact that the drugs could only be an escape from what happened? If you admit you're scared, it would be easier to accept that you have a problem? Now, I wonder why the hell you looked at me like I was an inch of raping you last night, when I should have known very well that this was not a danger you face. If I do not know the problem, so I can not help you fix it. Some men were very, very stubborn for his own good. - Oh, you know the problem - she snapped. - You just will not admit it. Damn, Erron when you will admit that maybe, just maybe, I'm not the girl you looking for? - Cassie, you think I do not sure I catch you before? - He growled in frustration. - Of course you did not. - She shrugged, raising his eyebrow sarcastically. - Listen to yourself, even you are assured that I am a drug addict. Why Erron? If you're so insistent on knowing what is right, why not solve it all right?
He scowled, irritation filling his eyes as he stared back at her with a determination reflected in his eyes. - You are deliberately trying to change the subject, - he said somberly. - You're good at it, Cassie, I have to congratulate her. But I will not let go. Why were you so afraid of me last night? You know I would not hurt you. - Oh, is not it? - She arched her brow with mocking expression. - And like I should know this, Erron? You threaten when things do not get in their way. You threatened to John safety before I admit who you thought I was. You made me lie to you. - Still angry. - But I let it go. - She opened her arms wide to indicate its former surrender. - I was not about to take my clothes off for you so you could arrest me and do whatever hell he wanted me. He stared at her. He does not argue with her, did not answer his accusations. He merely bent his thumbs into the waistband of his leather pants and watched her for long, nervous minutes. She could see a storm forming in her eyes. Cassie was silent. He looked dominant, strong; He looked like a man unwilling to accept the answer that she gave him. She was not afraid of him. I was wary of the threat he posed to his heart, but last night, as the darkness closed around them, she admitted to herself at least, that Erron never harm her. He could infuriate her. Could drive her crazy with his complete confidence in what he thought he was doing, especially when he was wrong. But he never would impose it. - Who raped you? - He finally asked the question that she had been afraid.
God, why did this man, of all men, his heart had let go? If lust had only been, it might have been easier to deal. But the moment she met him, despite his fury, she had been attracted to him. In the months after that, all she learned about it only increased her fascination with him. Now, passing the days with him, watching his quiet humor, and dealing with his stubbornness was making a fool. A silly because she could feel his emotions languishing, verging towards him, longing for him. - Because I'm not ready to open my legs and invite you, then I was raped? - She crossed her arms over her chest, praying now for an intervention. Any kind of intervention would be good. He advanced on her. There was no way to kick. The table behind her was against her ass as Erron pressed up against him. At this time, as his hands gripped her hips she knew there would be no escape from it. - Cassandra Cage. - His head down, his dark gaze, deliberate, as her lips stopped within a breath her. - Tell me why I care, - he whispered, staring sadly at her, his voice filled with their own confusion, his own need for answers. - Tell me why the thought of their terror last night made me mad to find an explanation for this. And tell me why the hell all I can think about is how to relieve those fears, long enough to get you under me and show you that I would never hurt her. Lust struck her womb. Cassie's eyes grew hard tremor, convulsive hunger that undulated. She swallowed tightly, fighting for breath. Fear was the last thing on your mind. All she could think of now was pure, unbridled hunger glinting in his eyes and the liquid heat filling her vagina. And he knew it. He knew what he was doing to her. I knew how hot damn could leave her. - You're imagining things. - She cleared her throat nervously, trying to push him away, desperate to escape the desire. - I watched you wax that damn table, - he whispered his lips staring at her, freezing her in place. - Bowing her gorgeous ass, wiggling around, and all I could think about was you stretch through it ... He lifted her. Cassie gasped, picking up his hands as he left the table and quickly moved between her thighs. - Erron. - She wanted to speak the word as a protest, not the appeal that appeared to be. - I wanted to make a meal of you in this damn table - he growled, clenching his teeth in a tight gesture. - And all I could think about was the fear in his eyes last night and as I hated to know that you were scared of me. This, and cursing myself for letting my own lust interfere in what should be a punishment rather than a vacation for you. - His voice sank into himself and confusion disgust. - Yes, we girls sleepers definitely should not have any fun. - She wanted to come out with a note of sarcasm, not the fiery tone involved.
She could not forget the episode in the laundry. I could not get it out of your mind and your body could do accept that this man was the man wrong to his heart. Your hormones not only did not give a damn thing about it. This was what they sought. His lowered eyelids, giving him a sleepy, sensual dangerous-looking as his hands gripped her hips. - Do not tempt me, - he whispered. Try it? What the hell he thought he was doing to her? I was killing her. There was no fear of him, which left only the need. She wondered if she would be safer being frightened him. Because she was too confident for his safety and the desire for it, your own need to try it in return came ahead of any precaution that she may have displayed. - Hmm. Admit who I am, Erron, and I could help you with this, - she said, almost shocked by the impish impulse to torment him now. - Come on, cowboy, tell me what I want to hear. His eyes blazed, her blushing cheeks as her breathing began to match his. - You are playing a very dangerous game dear. - The harsh warning only made braver.
His voice was strained, his big body almost vibrating beneath her. Cassie turned her head a fraction, his lips tightened under his breastbone as his tongue peeked out of his mouth to lick it. - Fuck! He stiffened as if he had taken a whip instead of a small warm lick.
Fascinated in his response, she let her fingers caress the flesh of his lower stomach as his lips and tongue caressed him again. All the time she kept her gaze on the thick erection below. The head quickly grew dark, rising towards her as her hips pushed, and she thought that was begging attention. The small eye shed another drop of lush creamy moisture, tempting her to taste. There was no fear as she felt the knotted stimulation in your body. He was careful, controlled. And she was hungry for him. There was no anger or previous field, there was only hot, thick need filling the air now. The same need that she dreamed - burned - in the last two years. - Cassie - Erron groaned, the sound vibrating against his body as his breathing quickened. - You have two choices, baby. You can move or accept the consequences.
The consequences of being his touch, his passion. His hand slid lower, his finger hesitantly reaching to slide above the wet head, swelling of your penis. His deep breathing was a sound soreness while a strangled groan slid down her throat. Her hips lifted, pressing his erection closer as his tongue flickered out again to taste the flesh below his sternum. She watched as his finger stroked over the hot erection, feeling the heat and hardness that waited there. Her clit throbbed in demand, a pervasive sense of unbearable need running in her womb. Cassie pressed up against stiff leg, his eyes almost closed in pleasure tear. - Cassandra Cage - he growled. - Honey, if you do not want to get fucked, you'll stop now. She smiled slowly. I wanted to be fucked, though. Cassie wanted more. She wanted all of it, every centimeter of his hard body covering her, taking her, making her scream with pleasure that she just heard.
Tremors sensations worked over her body as she let her finger glide lazily around the crest of his erection. Throbbed, darkening over as she rubbed her tighter vagina against her knee. - Cassie, what you want, baby? - His voice sank as a hand stuck in her hair, the gentle pressure against his head encouraging her to go lower, driving her closer. - Erron, - she whispered begging. - What you want, baby - he whispered as the swollen head came closer, his hand coaxing down to the hard muscles of her stomach as she whimpered in a desperate need, hungry I did not know he was capable. She wanted to taste it. I wonder how hard and warm your penis was in her mouth, feel the hard pulse of life beneath the tight flesh and know that it was for her. Cassie was the breath away, struggling to control the hard tremors response trembling for their meat as his tongue reached out and licked slowly up the little eye that pierced the head of his penis. Oh yeah. Warm. Hard. He was all male, huge and ready for it. - Cassie ... - The hand on his head grew heavier. - Take this, baby. Put this little hot mouth on my dick before I die for it.
She could possibly have refused. But Erron? She dreamed of him for a long time, wishing him by many of his own dark fantasies. There was nothing he could do for her to be objecting. Nothing he wanted to, she could deny it. Not here. Not now. His mouth opened, pulling the swollen head of his cock between her lips as his tongue began to pound and caress, savoring the little drops of semen that escaped. - Oh hell ... - Her hips lifted while an intense sound of surprise left her lips. - Also, baby. Ah yes, Cassandra Cage, suck my dick, honey. Take all you want. She would kill him. What the hell had happened? This was not experienced, small sucker sticks that swallowed his cock as one two years earlier. This was sensual, sexual - a hungry little fox consuming his erection. And she was destroying it. No experience here, but none was required. Only wet caresses hot that went to the larger end of your control. His fresh, silken hands wrapped their testicles, testing his weight gently a second before his mouth slide further down the inflamed head of his cock almost touching her throat as she began to suck him with hungry abandon. Small, vigorous moans escaped her and vibrated in his erection, almost sending him over the edge. - Cassie ... Honey. - He clenched his teeth as he fought to hold their control.
His hands stuck in her soft hair, holding her to him as he pushed his cock deeper into her mouth, the glorious sounds of pleasure she was taking an act that ran continuously closer to ecstasy. She moved, however, his mouth never left the flesh pulsing passionately beneath her touch. She knelt, moving between her thighs as he lifted the curtain of hair to see his cock disappeared between her lips tightly drawn. His eyes flashed at him with sleepy sexuality, her cheeks flushed and any control he might have had was that second shot. - I'm going to come, - he grunted as she worked her flesh with wet hunger. - Cassie ... - He could feel the heat rising on his spine. - Honey. I'll lose control ... His cock flexed and his eyes darkened more. His hands tightened in her hair as his balls stopped against the base of his erection and he felt his semen arise from the depth of his soul. - Shit. - His lips drew back, his eyes threatening to close, but he would not waste a bit of a moment of it.
He felt his seed erupt from the hard tip, casting release pulsations. Her eyes widened. His lips paused for a second before her shudder, moaning wildly, sucked and began to approach it again as each pulse since it was greedily consumed. - Erron. - She licked her lips as he backed his long seconds later. She was wild. His eyes glittered feverishly, the blush that burned her face now stretched to their hard pointed breasts, making him crazy to fuck her. If he did not put his cock inside her, he would go mad with desire.
She could feel the pleasure that touch running through his body, building the growing range of tighter tension in her womb. He watched as his fingers pressed the tender peaks again. His eyes glittered in satisfaction as she vacillated of extreme sensations. - So welcoming - he muttered as his head down lower, his tongue licking his lips a second before winding around a tight end. - Erron - she almost screamed as her hands loose sheets and flew to grab her damp shoulders. Cassie bent involuntarily; Fervent excitement bent his body as he attracts the tip into his mouth, applying a firm strong suction that was squirming beneath him. It was very intense, very soon. Her eyes closed, her hips pulling toward the length of his penis against her thigh below.
A second later, he delivered the exquisite torture, his gaze up as his eyes opened sleepily. - God, you are beautiful, - he whispered as his lips moved to hers. - So beautiful that it takes my breath away. But you know it is not, Cassandra Cage? Throaty and intense, the words did not matter as much as his lips sensually stroking over her, creating a rough pleasure that was begging for more. - Please Erron, - she whispered as he kissed the corner of his lips, his hands wrapped her breasts, his fingers caressing and touching her nipples, sending fiendish arches of pleasure directly to your sore pussy. He licked his lips as she opened up to him, breathing hard and irregularly, need cutting with his nerves as she struggled against his strength. He held her still, bent over her, his larger body controlling it less easily. - Let me give you pleasure, Cassandra Cage. - His lips caressed hers as he spoke. - Let me show you how much I love to hear their cries and their appeals. Let me show you how good I can be, baby. He would kill her. The kiss, when it finally came, was so greedy, hot and hungry as his lips and tongue tore through any resistance she might have thought he had. His hands roamed over her body, a hand along his belly as he opened his legs and separated them slowly.
Cassie gasped as she reached her hips. His eyes, protected by thick lashes, watched her with heated lust as his fingers slid between her thighs. Cassie's eyes widened as his fingers circled her swollen clit. The touch sent his system a riot of sensations as she struggled to breathe for the pleasure exploding with your senses. - You will taste so good there, as have all other places, Cassie? A sharp blast of pleasure exploded in her belly with your question. She pushed, whimpering against the intensity of it. His hands tightened on his shoulders as he separated over her thighs, moving lower along your body. - Let's see if you're so good here, baby. His tongue was beating the bare, plump curves, then wrapped it around her clit a moment before he pulled the little button in his mouth. He hummed against it, a lush sound and satisfaction as her hips came closer to her hot mouth. Wringing his hands on his hips, Erron held in place as he began his campaign to drive her crazy with his slow, hungry and carnal licks he took from his dripping sex. - So good ... - he muttered as he traveled lower, his tongue circling the entrance to her vagina. - So sweet and hot ... - He broke slowly as the tumultuous moan Cassie echoed around them.
She struggled to hold onto the last control fragment. Struggling to hold back, enjoy without getting lost in his touch, but the first caress she had been destroyed and knew it. When he lifted her thighs, opening more, and plunged his tongue into tight heated cave of her pussy she gave the last measure of sanity. She had never been loved like that. It never had been taken with such carnal intent as Erron was taking it now. His tongue fucked deep in her sex on fire, pumping her with fierce strokes while the cast louder, deeper into the current waiting. striking heat arches flared by her, heating her flesh, sensitizing every nerve ending, as she stretched closer to hell that was building in her womb. - Erron. Oh God. I can not stand it ... - Cassie moved beneath him, his voice rising in reaction to the extreme pleasure that rushed through her. - Erron ... She was terrified, cheerful, willing and still desperate to reverse. The contradictory impulses were breaking their sense of reality. - No -. She almost screamed the word as he backed away, moving quickly between her thighs while curled up by her and opened the small box on the table beside the bed. - Condom - he gasped.
At the same time, the thick of his cock nuzzled in tight entrance of her sex. They froze, ragged breaths, lust sizzling around them. - Shit, - he seemed to gasp as his hips pushed, only to bury it marginally deeper. Cassie felt the convulsive grip of her vagina, the hungry milking motion in your muscles while the meat Erron the stretched tight. bare, warm flesh, buried within it. A danger. She gasped, struggling to not try to control what he was trying to impose up his big body. But it was so good. - Erron ... - She shook as she felt the throbbing head into her, driving it deeper. - Condom - he growled again, pulling a drawer a second before driving very deep within his flesh pressing.
Reality no longer existed anyway, way or form. There it alone. Erron buried inside her, hot and hard as steel, fucking her with funds blows as she screamed beneath him. Cassie's legs wrapped around him beating her hips, her hands gripping his shoulders as he held her close, thrusting vigorously into her wet opening. Each blow sank deeper into the depths of her vagina, caressing the sensitive tissue, rough delicate nerves to a final, faint cry Cassie who fought the final battle with orgasm taking and losing. She exploded beneath him, white hot rays of ecstasy arose through her body as her vagina tightened spasmodically around his penis plunged. A second later she felt Erron enjoy. hot, hard jets of semen spilled on it as he moaned her name hoarsely, his voice tortured, dark and hungry. The heated heat broke again, sending him to dive headlong into a smaller, but no less destructive orgasm that left her weak and terribly frightened you just give this man more than her body. She gave him her heart.
She could feel the pleasure that touch running through his body, building the growing range of tighter tension in her womb. He watched as his fingers pressed the tender peaks again. His eyes glittered in satisfaction as she vacillated of extreme sensations. - So welcoming - he muttered as his head down lower, his tongue licking his lips a second before winding around a tight end. - Erron - she almost screamed as her hands loose sheets and flew to grab her damp shoulders. Cassie bent involuntarily; Fervent excitement bent his body as he attracts the tip into his mouth, applying a firm strong suction that was squirming beneath him. It was very intense, very soon. Her eyes closed, her hips pulling toward the length of his penis against her thigh below.
A second later, he delivered the exquisite torture, his gaze up as his eyes opened sleepily. - God, you are beautiful, - he whispered as his lips moved to hers. - So beautiful that it takes my breath away. But you know it is not, Cassandra Cage? Throaty and intense, the words did not matter as much as his lips sensually stroking over her, creating a rough pleasure that was begging for more. - Please Erron, - she whispered as he kissed the corner of his lips, his hands wrapped her breasts, his fingers caressing and touching her nipples, sending fiendish arches of pleasure directly to your sore pussy. He licked his lips as she opened up to him, breathing hard and irregularly, need cutting with his nerves as she struggled against his strength. He held her still, bent over her, his larger body controlling it less easily. - Let me give you pleasure, Cassandra Cage. - His lips caressed hers as he spoke. - Let me show you how much I love to hear their cries and their appeals. Let me show you how good I can be, baby. He would kill her. The kiss, when it finally came, was so greedy, hot and hungry as his lips and tongue tore through any resistance she might have thought he had. His hands roamed over her body, a hand along his belly as he opened his legs and separated them slowly.
Cassie gasped as she reached her hips. His eyes, protected by thick lashes, watched her with heated lust as his fingers slid between her thighs. Cassie's eyes widened as his fingers circled her swollen clit. The touch sent his system a riot of sensations as she struggled to breathe for the pleasure exploding with your senses. - You will taste so good there, as have all other places, Cassie? A sharp blast of pleasure exploded in her belly with your question. She pushed, whimpering against the intensity of it. His hands tightened on his shoulders as he separated over her thighs, moving lower along your body. - Let's see if you're so good here, baby. His tongue was beating the bare, plump curves, then wrapped it around her clit a moment before he pulled the little button in his mouth. He hummed against it, a lush sound and satisfaction as her hips came closer to her hot mouth. Wringing his hands on his hips, Erron held in place as he began his campaign to drive her crazy with his slow, hungry and carnal licks he took from his dripping sex. - So good ... - he muttered as he traveled lower, his tongue circling the entrance to her vagina. - So sweet and hot ... - He broke slowly as the tumultuous moan Cassie echoed around them.
She struggled to hold onto the last control fragment. Struggling to hold back, enjoy without getting lost in his touch, but the first caress she had been destroyed and knew it. When he lifted her thighs, opening more, and plunged his tongue into tight heated cave of her pussy she gave the last measure of sanity. She had never been loved like that. It never had been taken with such carnal intent as Erron was taking it now. His tongue fucked deep in her sex on fire, pumping her with fierce strokes while the cast louder, deeper into the current waiting. striking heat arches flared by her, heating her flesh, sensitizing every nerve ending, as she stretched closer to hell that was building in her womb. - Erron. Oh God. I can not stand it ... - Cassie moved beneath him, his voice rising in reaction to the extreme pleasure that rushed through her. - Erron ... She was terrified, cheerful, willing and still desperate to reverse. The contradictory impulses were breaking their sense of reality. - No -. She almost screamed the word as he backed away, moving quickly between her thighs while curled up by her and opened the small box on the table beside the bed. - Condom - he gasped.
At the same time, the thick of his cock nuzzled in tight entrance of her sex. They froze, ragged breaths, lust sizzling around them. - Shit, - he seemed to gasp as his hips pushed, only to bury it marginally deeper. Cassie felt the convulsive grip of her vagina, the hungry milking motion in your muscles while the meat Erron the stretched tight. bare, warm flesh, buried within it. A danger. She gasped, struggling to not try to control what he was trying to impose up his big body. But it was so good. - Erron ... - She shook as she felt the throbbing head into her, driving it deeper. - Condom - he growled again, pulling a drawer a second before driving very deep within his flesh pressing.
Reality no longer existed anyway, way or form. There it alone. Erron buried inside her, hot and hard as steel, fucking her with funds blows as she screamed beneath him. Cassie's legs wrapped around him beating her hips, her hands gripping his shoulders as he held her close, thrusting vigorously into her wet opening. Each blow sank deeper into the depths of her vagina, caressing the sensitive tissue, rough delicate nerves to a final, faint cry Cassie who fought the final battle with orgasm taking and losing. She exploded beneath him, white hot rays of ecstasy arose through her body as her vagina tightened spasmodically around his penis plunged. A second later she felt Erron enjoy. hot, hard jets of semen spilled on it as he moaned her name hoarsely, his voice tortured, dark and hungry. The heated heat broke again, sending him to dive headlong into a smaller, but no less destructive orgasm that left her weak and terribly frightened you just give this man more than her body. She gave him her heart.
"Original Title Cowboys and Captives."