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erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat

Why leaving Erron on his own for too long is not wise…

Ok, maybe title is a bit exaggerated, but seriously MKX game made me think that Erron - without constant supervision - has a tendency to get into troubles all the time and I really like him ever more for that trait… Or to put it differently:

I have feeling / headcanon that D’Vorah main job - beside the official First Minister work - was to oversee boys from Kotal’s Team. Especially if Erron was involved and maybe there are some official rules forbidding him to wander on his own for too long xD

Putting aside Erron’s mess from comics (his cooperation with Kano that didn’t end too well for him or for Kotal), he get into many troubles during mode story. In truth, I’m not sure how Team Kotal would be really doing without supervision support of D’Vorah.

But seriously - almost the beginning of the story:

Erron and Ermac are escorting Kotal. Everything is nice and cool, two deadly badass warriors leading emperor’s soldiers.

At least until they discovered the roadblock (which from far away screamed “a trap!”). And the moment they stop, D’Vorah didn’t even wait to let them deal with it on their own. When Kotal asked what’s going on, she could assured him that Erron and Ermac - two of his deadliest & trusted warriors - will take care of it. Instead, all she was: This One will clear it.

Nice to know there is no trust in Erron & Ermac’s skills… then again until she came both weren’t doing anything useful, so maybe she knew from experience that leaving them in charge wouldn’t solve anything.

Boys, what are you waiting for? Do something useful! xD

And then Mileena’s army attacked and D’Vorah looked angry, like This One can’t even leave Kotal for a moment… first under Erron and Ermac’s lead Kotal’s army stopped because of roadblock. Then she left Kotal for a few minutes and he get attacked. Being the only one resourceful woman in group had to be a nuisance xD

Five years later, Erron met Cage’s Team.

A nice entrance…

…only to be beaten. So in the end it was D’Vorah who actually dealt with earth warriors. And there is something funny that she didn’t even bother to check if Erron was still alive or commented his state - she simply ignored the body lying on the ground so maybe she was used to it already xD

And later? Kotal and his allies lost fight after fight… like, lack of D’Vorah (or specifically lack of her supervision over them XD) contributed to their lost battles. So it is not surprising that she was so sure that Kotal will trust only her with the Shinnok’s amulet (ok, I think he would trust Syzoth too, but Reptile is weaker than D’Vorah, so she was the logical choice)

Though I know that plot-wise Kotal and his allies couldn’t win fights agains main heroes, the story shows that as long as D’Vorah was part of their team, Kotal was able to win some important matters (overthrow of Mileena and her death, capturing Cage’s Team). Then D’Vorah betrayed Kotal, and he and his champions were defeated at every turn.

I’m a little concerned about future of Team Kotal without D’Vorah XD

Source: Tumblr Shadows of Isengard

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