Badass and Features

There are many kinds of badasses. A badass can be a good guy or a bad guy, a man or a woman, a brawler or an acrobat. One of the main traits of a badass is the ability to kick lots of ass. However, being able to kick ass does not make you a badass. Badass is a frame of mind. A badass gets shit done, and does it in a really cool way. Badasses take down anyone who crosses them without even thinking about it. The only thing that can stop a badass from reaching his or her goal is death, but some badasses don't even let death stop them. A badass generally lets his or her actions speak for themselves. Badasses live by their own rules.
People who are supplied with an unlimited source of awesomeness. Everyone knows them or they know of what these people do. They roll in skill style and many more. When seen you feel a automatic sense of coolness from them. they come in good or bad. Yet theres no denying it that they are...............badass.
One with very large ego. Allows them to be direct and efficient in all they do. Also allows for a disregard to the standards of others, resulting in a personal code thats badass. Additionaly, one who disregards power in numbers and will often kick the shit out of multiple lesser opponets who are caught defiling this personal code. (a trash talker, women beater, dis honering family, ect.) They are often quite but out spoken as what they say is direct, wise, and simple. one who dosnt need to pretend to be badass because they just are, and they know it.
1. First of all a badass will not seek attention. Attention is something he could give a fuck less about. 2. A badass doesn't speak out his ass. They are honest, and truly care about others that deserved to be cared for. 3. They are typically quiet and really don't have much to say. They are usually intelligent in some way or another. 4. A true badass must be able to protect his family and closest friends no matter the consequences. Though a true badass likely doesn't have many friends because he doesn't depend on them. 5. A badass is loyal. 6. A badass gives respect only to the people who deserve it, no matter who the fuck they are or how old they are.