Outworld Business

Being some time in Outworld, Cassie would have hired the gunslinger Erron Black to make her a little work. Upon returning to Outworld, she sought the outlaw in the house that was his haven away from the Kotal Kahn's Palace. Cassie sat on the couch and looked around the room, feeling cozy. The floor was wood, furniture, old and good quality, and on one wall was a large fireplace. Only there were hardly any decoration, there missing a nice feminine touch. Cassie waited in growing anxiety. I wanted to just solve that issue and return home to the safety of your world. More than Erron, afraid of their own emotions towards him.
Still trying to analyze such emotions when he saw him return from the bathroom. He wore a cowboy leather pants and an open shirt, revealing the perfect contours of his strong chest, which still dripped water droplets. The gray eyes watched her with unmistakable allure. - Well, let the matter - suggested, somewhat hoarse to recognize that look of appreciation. - Will not you sit? - Cassie asked with sudden nervousness. -. No I'm fine. She preferred to get up and approached the fire, trying to gain some time to control. - Listen, let's stop rodeos - added Erron impatiently. - I want to know when will I get my money. - Will not - Cassie said, turning to face him. - What? - The manly face twitched and he took a few steps toward him. - Why not? - I came to the conclusion that you did not realize right work for which he was hired. - What did you say? - Every facial muscle Erron showed his fury.
- Did you hear me. - Cassie shrugged, but was only to hide a wince. - But I will repeat. After a thorough analysis, I concluded that you deliberately ... - Have you gone crazy! - Think whatever you want. He moved closer. His fists were clenched, his eyes sparkled, and his breath, accelerated. - You think it's very clever, is not it? - I'm enjoying it as little as you, but I can not ignore the facts. Try to understand my side. - It's an absurd! - Cried Erron, a mixture of anger and disbelief. - I did everything as you asked me. It is time for you to fulfill your part girl. Do not play with me. - No use arguing - she said firmly. - The last word is mine. And until it is proven that your job was well done, you will not receive a penny. - Who do you think you are? - Retaliated Erron icily. - You do not understand anything at the mercenary business. In fact, nothing more than a spoiled little girl showing off for dear old dad ... - How dare you speak to me like that ?!
Erron held her wrists when she started to slap him. I knew he had exaggerated that last comment and predicted the obvious Cassie's reaction, which would never accept such an insult. - Let go of me! Drop it? Now it would be impossible. The explosion of anger unleashed all other emotions he'd been forced to repress since he had known. Erron pulled her tightly to him; soft breasts clashed against his chest, and shapely legs stuck up to his. - Let go of me! - She repeated, struggling to get free. - Be quiet! Cassie opened her mouth to protest. This gesture, combined with the movements of the curvaceous body struggling against her, scattered the remnants of self-control in Erron. With almost despair, he pressed his lips to hers in a passionate and possessive kiss. Stopping struggling, she narrowed even more against the strong, virile body and felt the eager tongue invading his mouth.
Unexpectedly, Erron released her. Panting remain silent and hope that this time she hit him. However, to his surprise, Cassie held her arms tightly, digging her well-manicured nails into his biceps. A muffled groan echoed from his throat and tears flooded the beautiful blue eyes. With trembling hands, he hugged his neck and guided her lips to his. They kissed with rapture, leaving the powerful desire, hitherto restrained, flowed freely. Anyway, Erron interrupted the touch of his lips and nibbled her earlobe, whispering: - Please ... do not ... do not do this to me. You come driving me crazy from the first moment I saw her ... Cassie did not know what to say in response to that unexpected confession. He felt as if floating in the midst of an imaginary world. Still, the pressure of hard sex against her thigh conscientizava her that what was happening between them was quite real. His lips returned to look for him with pleasure. Anxious, his hands slid by muscular back under his shirt open. A flurry of wonderful sensations dominated his being, leaving her languid and at the same time arousing. Never in his life had allowed to lose control that way. From there there would be no turning back ... But it was a certainty that moment, was the much wanted Erron Black.
Continuing to kiss her possessiveness, he introduced one hand under the silk blouse and opened her clasp of her bra. Then she took her one of her breasts and began to fondle one nipple with his thumb. Cassie sighed with pleasure against the warm lips and returned to join their tongues greedily. His hands slid up the rounded hips, stroking them over the linen trousers. Soon Erron lifted a few centimeters from the ground, providing a more intimate contact between their bodies. She rested her hands on his broad shoulders and his lips traveled an incandescent trail to the muscular chest. - Oh, Cassie ... - he groaned when white teeth nibbled his male nipple. - I want you so much... - Show me how ... - pleaded Cassie, resuming caresses with the tip of pink tongue.
Those words made him even more mad with desire. Erron put it back on the floor and, with quick gestures, he delivered the silk blouse and bra. Fascinated, his eyes were arrested in firm breasts and targets. Her throat and escaped a muffled groan to notice the erect nipples. Without delay, he closed his mouth over one and began to suck it. The skilled hand searched it the other breast and stroked, feeling the firmness. Cassie closed her eyes and tilted his head back, enraptured by the sweet torture.
Long and rapturous moments later Erron returned to hug her and looked into his blue eyes. Ali identified fear, but there was also an uncontrollable desire that overtopped. So without hesitation, threw off the linen trousers and white lace panties, admiring the perfect female forms. And without delay, he removed his own clothes, yearning for full contact of hot and satiny skin. Cassie sighed delightedly, to see his manly body as a whole, but soon all your senses turned to the touch of strong hands began to fondle all your most sensitive points. A heat wave expanded through her body, taking it almost to delirium.
Finally, the skilled hands slid up her buttocks and lifted her off the ground. - Put your legs around me - whispered Erron, his voice choked with passion. Panting, Cassie obeyed and he leaned against the wall. The instant Erron penetrated, tilted his head on one of the firm breasts and sucked hungrily the swollen nipple. The movements of the body strong were cadenced and accurate, and it corresponded to that of their own accord. Delivery to the domain of that wonderful and dangerous man was full and Cassie always wanted to feel the infinite pleasure he was giving her. - Oh, Erron ... - Beautiful ... I ... Oh ...
The ecstasy came to both with incredible intensity. Cushioned and simultaneous groans echoed through the room. And after the sublime moments had their overwhelming outcome, both stood there, panting, with her heart pounding and stares each other. Cassie focused on the hypnotic charm of the gray eyes. Words do not were needed; the important thing was what they had shared. Remained oblivious to everything around him, aware only of the contact between their bodies. Even had the notion of how long they stayed there, or how they got into your room.
Your mind just recorded the gentle way Erron to lay on the bed. His hands now roamed his body slowly, almost reverently. The fire of passion is rekindled, but the impetuosity was little was replaced by infinite tenderness. Cassie returned the caresses with extreme slowly, savoring every moment. And so they loved up into the night, until exhaustion and contentment harbored both a serene sleep.

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