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erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat
erron mortal kombat

Erron Black and his so's first argument? What happens and how is it resolved?

Erron has a lot of trouble expressing his emotions. When he’s annoyed at his so he doesn’t show it for the longest time, but he lets it build up until he explodes. And he can say some of the most hurtful shit when he’s pissed. But when he crosses the line, or comes dangerously close to it, he stops mid sentence, his face falling. Then he turns on his heel and storms away.

He doesn’t come back until both he and the so have cooled off. He approaches them with a small gift, flowers he’s picked, or whatever it is that his so likes, and he asks if they can talk. They resolve the issue a lot more calmly and they both apologize for the things they said. Their fights after that never become as horrible, or get even close to it, because neither want to hurt the other that badly again.

(Ps, why do you all want me to suffer so?)

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