Erron Black for turn ons/offs since you want it so bad

Don’t pretend you don’t either :) Secretly we’re all trash for this useless raccoon man.
Turn ons:
- “Girls with guns, always hot,” Erron has a thing for a so who knows how to use weaponry. I can see him as having something of an adrenaline kink, like after an intense gun fight all he wants to do is drag his so to bed and fuck them/be fucked brainless.
- Loves for his so to boss him around. A power bottom so is perfect for him, someone who’s not afraid to take what they want. But he also likes to be dominated every once and awhile.
- Being called handsome or beautiful in bed, even if he thinks he isn’t.
- Being bitten and scratched by the so, especially around the neck and hip areas. He has really sensitive hip bones, they’re his biggest weak spot.
- His so wearing his hat while they do it.
- Stripping for his so. Makes a huge show out of it too, teases them.
Turn offs:
- Really does not like public sex. Won’t even humor the idea. It’d leave them both too vulnerable, too out in the open. He wouldn’t be able to relax.
- Doesn’t like needy, clingy people, or being made to feel like they can’t go on without him. That puts way too much pressure on him, and makes him very uncomfortable.
- Doesn’t like to be hit or spanked, or be called names during sex. It’s just very off putting for him.
- Daddy/Mommy kink. He’s really, really not into it. Being called it, or the so asking to be called daddy/mommy, it’s just a no from him. He might try it once, but it feels too awkward, he can’t get into it.
- Roleplay. Again he just can’t get into it. Though he does love the so dressing up for him, just so he can strip them down again ;)
- Being choked, or breath play in particular. Not on him. If his so’s into it, he’ll oblige, but he’ll immediately shove the so off if they try it on him.