Why women like Bad Boys ?

You probably know the case of a woman in love who suffered (or suffer) with violence and other abuses at the hands of your partner and remains dedicated to the relationship. Or you have a friend who has been betrayed by her boyfriend several times and forgive the guy repeatedly, even suffering in dating. Now science explains why they like these subjects. According to Professor of the University of South Alabama, Peter Jonason, the bad boy has three basic characteristics: it is narcissistic, has an obsessive behavior similar to that of a psychopath and a tendency to be exploitative. It may seem an absurd combination to be cited this way, but, according to the scientist, women can associate them with the -e masculinity, therefore, with the ability to have children. The exchange is simple: women who want to have different experiences or that are in their fertile periods are attracted to bad guys.
Men, on less interested who might be the girl in itself, have a chance to pass their genes forward. To reach these conclusions, Jonason interviewed 200 college students about their sex lives and then asked them to do a personality test that would show which of the features of the "bad boy" standard mentioned above, they would have. The results showed that the more gifts were the bad boy features, the higher the number of partners of the subject and the greater their interest in short-term relationships (preferably one night only).
Other factors:
nice guy: Men good guys are very nice. But no one can always be nice all the time, unless you are a saint. They are more concerned with being nice than being real. The problem is that women instinctively do not trust it.
respect: No one respects a doormat. Nice guys do not set limits and neither do any real requirement. A bad boy will not let a woman control it. Women do not respect a man who can control.
Predictable: Most people think predictability something boring in their lives, so they are attracted to people who are exciting and a little unpredictable. Bad boys are always a challenge. Nice boys do not.
Mother Nature: Women are designed to feed. However, instead of doing this with children, they end up making bad boys. They think their love will save a man more boor. good guys Men rarely need to be saved.
Perfect man: boys good guys usually do not need to be fixed. Women like bad boys because they think they can create the perfect man.
Fertility: Women are designed to procreate with men who have stronger genes. Bad boys send an unconscious message that they have genes "best" and that they are not afraid of losing the woman by misbehaving. On the contrary, the nice guys send a message that does not find its good genes enough, so do not misbehave.
Fear of Intimacy: If a woman is afraid of intimacy, she subconsciously knows he can avoid it with a bad boy, since she can never get close enough to the feelings. A nice guy will eventually want a compromise, and that's scary.
Without self-esteem: Women do not feel comfortable with men who treat them better than we treat ourselves. If you do not think much of yourself, the bad boy simply reinforce your negative belief. A nice guy will treat it in a way that you are not familiar, but it helps to raise their self-esteem.
Sex: Women find a nice guy will not be good in bed. Sometimes they like to be treated badly and find a nice guy will not be able to take control and do the job. A bad boy appears to be capable of it, although this may not always happen.
Warm: Have you ever seen a poor boy who was not hot? Meanwhile, when a woman describes someone as a nice guy, it means: "It is not hot."
Fine words: Nice guys do not always know what to say, and sometimes get lost in the words. Bad boys are very charming and know exactly what women want to hear. However, they are sometimes selfish.
Protection: Historically, men have protected women physically or not. Bad boys give the illusion of being able to protect women, while nice guys seem more insecure.
Fonte: http://revistagalileu.globo.com