Erron Black and Seven Deadly Sins

We made a analysis of Outworld Gunslinger and in their most relevant features may be related to the famous Seven Deadly Sins.
The so-called "Deadly Sins" originate alchemy and very ancient initiatory traditions, dating from ancient Egyptian and Babylonian rituals. Before you begin, let's use the right nomenclature: DEFECTS capital.
Vanity Defect capital related to the SOL and probably the most difficult to be destroyed.
In their synthesis, Pride is a sense of personal satisfaction with the capacity or performing a task. Its origin dates back from the Latin "superbia", which also means superfluous.
Some people consider that pride towards the own hands is an act of justice to himself. It should be as a way to praise himself, giving strength to evolve and achieve individual evolution towards a broader and better life project. Excess pride can turn into vanity, ostentation, arrogance, just being seen, then, as something negative.
Other people classify pride as "exaggerated" when it becomes a kind of unconditional satisfaction or when the values themselves are overestimated, believing it to be better or more important than others. This applies as much to himself as to others, although socially a person who has pride for others is usually seen in the sense of accomplishment and is associated as a selfless attitude, while pride itself usually associated with the sense of capacity and selfishness .
Pride is a very treacherous defect, precisely because, as set in the previous paragraph, most people do not sees as a "defect" but as a "reward" for a moral or spiritual work performed. For this reason, it is much harder to get rid of it, because, to get used to the reward, we feel inferior if we are not "recognized" by our deeds.
We need not say anything by own lines used by Erron Black during the game, because we believe that he has a very high safety with regard to himself.
Defect capital on the planet VENUS, that in its original meaning "becoming overwhelmed by the passions." In Portuguese, lust was completely misrepresented and taken only for physical and sexual sense of the word, but its English equivalent (Lust) still retains the original meaning (you can use expressions such as "lust for money", "lust for blood" "lust for power"). The best translation for this would be "obsession". Lust takes effect in the spiritual realm when the person happens to be guided by their passions rather than their rationality.
Hatred of God - with the will dominated by passions, the individual leaves the spiritual quest to devote to worldly pleasant chores, forgetting his search for God in the process. Forgetfulness, these passions end up becoming hatred of the creator and the whole spiritual world.
Clinging to the World - vices and passions create the individual an attachment to the world and its desires and ambitions, completely bypassing the spiritual focus of its mission.
Once Erron Black lived in the Old West, we believe that he was carried away by the drink addiction and women, which was very common to cowboys and shooters of the time. Historical records show that the fun of men only was the Saloon, where games were common, drinks, dancing girls and prostitutes, which had become an addiction.
The Avarice (avaritia) is the default capital related to the planet Saturn. It is characterized by excessive attachments so that you have. Usually associated avarice only the materialistic meaning, to save money, but its manifestation in other elements (spiritual, emotional and mental) is more subtle and pernicious. Avarice is the origin of all the falsehoods and deceptions.
Restlessness: Excessive desire to join to itself generates excessive worries and cares.
Violence: When looking for other goods of others, the individual can make use of violence, such greed that has, to see his wishes denied by the other. The esoteric meaning was lost and violence today is synonymous with aggression, descaracterizando the reason causing the aggression.
Hardness of Heart: Excess attachments so it has produces the hardness in the heart, it does not allow the person to use their assets to help the brothers. To be merciful, you must know how to spend their surplus property.
About this is not it is necessary to say much, since Erron Black is a mercenary and will always work for that pay more, taking into account where the interest for money, which makes everything clear in-game dialogue.