Mortal Kombat X: Erron Black Theories

I am a huge freak for Mortal Kombat and this is kind of a late entry since Mortal Kombat X came out in 2015 but I've been reading quite a few fan theories and opinions of the character named Erron Black. Erron Black has had his first appearance in MKX outside of MK comics. There is very little known about Erron except he was born in Earthrealm, somehow found himself in Outworld and currently serves Kotal Kahn. There however, has been a few things added to the backstory of Erron Black from the comics and such that are not mentioned in the game. Such as, 150 years before MKX took place, Erron Black assassinated an Earthrealm warrior for Shang Tsung in exchange for a slowed aging process as well as a monetary reward. Also, about that little fun fact, I've seen online that a few people say that Erron is immortal because he's basically hundreds of years old but looks fairly young, I just want to say that Erron is a completely mortal human being and his slowed aging process is the only thing supernatural about him and is also why he's survived hundreds of years while looking so young.
There is also a fact (I think it came from the comics) where Erron refers to Leatherface (the character from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre) as a "fellow Texan" which confirmed Erron is from the American state of Texas. Now, there's also a theory I've seen a few times online that theorizes Erron being Sonya Blade's father. I do not believe this theory and I think it's very unlikely given she has a known father named Herman Blade and if Erron hadn't of had a slowed aging process I think him and Sonya would be very close in age presently. Also if Erron did have a long lost daughter, I think it would've been mentioned in at least the comics and Erron would remember her.
Just cause it said in her very first bio that she was born in Austin, Texas doesn't make her related or tied to Erron in any way. I theory I personally find very interesting is one theorizing Erron Black fought in the Civil War of the 1800's (the Cival War lasted from 1861-1865) 1865 just happens to be 150 years before 2015 and he became a hired killer to make more money (since Erron's all about that money) and served Shang Tsung and he was involved in the confederacy, blah blah blah. I personally believe this theory and I think it makes perfect sense and goes with Erron's role in MK exactly right. I've seen on Reddit that a few people think he's a very uninteresting character cause of his vague back story.
I think that's exactly what makes him interesting and mysterious is his vague back story, definitely triggers a lot of good fan theories and food for thought and you can't judge whether a character is good or not solely based how detailed a characters back story is and besides, he's only made his first appearance in game and it takes a couple more MK games before a new character has a good and detailed back story. The websites so found the fan theories from are the Mortal Kombat Wiki, Gamefaqs, and the last fan theory I found from another Deviant, mardetonam. The journal entry is called About Erron's Origin [ENG]. My opinions in this entry are my opinions so please respect them. Erron Black will always be my favourite character in MK even though it's only his first appearance in game cause I think he's very interesting and mysterious, hella sexy (don't judge, O////O), and he's got that badass cowboy swag. Hope you liked.
by glamgirl47