
Erron Black X Ghost Female Reader
He didn't think it'd come back to haunt him. No, he didn't even have to think twice about it. But he could feel it. The angry presence that burned it's eyes into the back of his head. Sure, he couldn't see anything there but he could feel the unwanted presence that wanted to get rid of him.
Erron Black is a mercenary of OutWorld born from EarthRealm more then 150 years ago and he now worked for Kotal Kahn, the emperor of OutWorld only just as long as he got paid to do so. That's just about any information that's spilled from the mysterious man. No one knows where he truly came from EarthRealm or why he has no desire in coming back but no one seems to care about his past but rather about what he'll do in the future and the next time he plans to strike next. What some people fail to realize that it wasn't just Erron Black on his own for all those years. He wasn't the lone man like other's know him that traveled to OutWorld on his own. At some point of his life, he always traveled with his best friend named (Name) (Last Name) since the two have met when they were still very young. They were there for everything. When his family disappeared, learning to use guns, and even when his age began to slow down. Everything. However as time went by, Erron had made the mistake of making a bargain with a shop owner that had requested a death to be made and had hired Black as his hitman. The victim was a thief that had stolen veggies from the previous night but the shop owner were able to catch the details of their face. (Hair Color) Hair, (eye color) eyes, (Facial Features), (Tall/short/average), and (clothe colors) (choice of clothing). Upon hearing the details, Erron was surprised to hear the details of his good friend, (Name) but he shouldn't. He knew (Name) had the tendency to steal and what (she/he) brought him the other night was the exact same meal they brought but (she/he) refused to share where they had gotten it from. It was a bit alarming to think about murdering (Name) like the shop owner had asked for but the amount of money they had offered.. Erron just couldn't resist the deal and had agreed to killing his best friend. He had lured (Name) out of the small village that they had been sleeping in overnight and dragged (her/him) a bit of way's from the village, persuading (her/him) that he wanted to talk about something important but there couldn't be any witnesses because someone might listen to them. Gullible as (she/he) was, (Name) followed him out the village where (she/he) was soon to meet their ending fate. What had really caught (Name)'s attention though was when Erron had began to mess with his gun despite his back being faced towards (her/him). Before (she/he) could question what was even happening, Erron had whipped around and shot (Name) straight through the head. The bullet that the words '(Name)' written onto it left the other side of (her/his) head and now soaked in their blood. Erron had watched in horror when he saw best friend's body lying lifeless at his feet, surrounded in their own blood. Stray tears had streamed down (her/his) face from the impact and (her/his) once (eye color) eyes now dull and their skin was so pale. Erron had began to back up at the thought of realizing what he just did and began to sprint back to the village. He had refused to look back at (Name)'s body because the sight began to make him feel sick in the stomach but refused to cry about it because he didn't want to show any signs of weaknesses. Erron did eventually get rewarded for his work and from there on, he had to continue moving on with his life and left (Name)'s body to rot just outside the small village. For years, Erron had been on his own from that day. He continued working for other's and got payed in the end for it before he even met Kotal Kahn and joining his forces. Over those years, Erron had began to grow colder until his heart was nothing but absolute stone and showing no more regret in his killings because he was convinced that 'it's all for the money'. (Name) eventually became nothing but a distant memory and he no longer felt the guilt he once had when he had killed (her/him). In fact, he never really thinks about (her/him) and sometimes even forgets that they once existed. But lately all of that has been changing his life completely It was in the middle of the night when it first happened. It had been a long day and Erron was exhausted. Kotal Kahn didn't even need to direct him twice when the emperor had ordered them to go to sleep. Now, it was in the middle of the night when Erron began to sweat immensely and had squirmed in his sleep, throwing off his blanket due to how much he was moving. "Please." He mumbled in his sleep, his eyes shutting tightly and his jaw began to clench. Sweat was running down his forehead before his open wide and he screamed out loudly. "Keep it down, mercenary!" A voice-probably Reptile-screamed when it was awoken by his scream. Erron gasped out loudly, desperately taking in some air as if he were just choked. His breath was hitched and gripped onto his own chest to calm down his racing heart. What he saw, he couldn't quite explain it but he remembered clearly what had happen. There, they stood. (She/he) had (hair color) locks and (eye color) eyes but they looked dull. They wore (color clothes) (choice of clothing) but what caught his attention was the side of their head was bleeding it coated their (skin color) skin and hair. From what he could tell, they were not very happy and had a glare that could make anyone quiver. They also held (choice of weapon), making Erron want to run off after he realized that he completely stripped of his weapons and he wasn't the absolute best at close range kombat but he couldn't seem to move as if he were stuck there. The (female/male) had began to approach Erron, the cowboy begging them to stay away but they had not listened to his cries. Instead they hold their (choice of weapon) and (shot him/stab him/wrapped it around his throat/etc.) and had began to violently kill him off. It felt so real and it felt like he could actually feel the pain inflicting onto his body but not a single wound was seen. Erron was still shaking in fear, his hands trembling but he began to hug himself to calm himself down. For the most part, he was still feeling terrified but began to convince himself that it was a dream and that he should just sleep the night away. Erron had gotten himself comfortable back in his original position on his bed-given by Kotal Kahn himself-and lied there for several more minutes. Of course, he couldn't go back to sleep right away because his own death still lingered in his mind but his eyelids were heavy. Eventually, Erron did go to sleep and thankfully had no more nightmares but this.. This was only the beginning. Months later.. Ever since that night, Erron's act began be getting strange such as the way he talks, his personality and even his shooting. Now, he just stutters his sentences out, he would never stay in one place for more then 10 minutes and his shooting was always completely off and missed his targets completely. Kotal Kahn had noticed this as well as the other's but no one confronted him about it ever since his first freak out. Reptile was understandably angry when Erron had woken him up with his outburst and was going to talk to him about it. However, in the middle of their conversation, Erron had glanced over Reptile's shoulder and his facial expression turned into horror. He saw a (woman/man) there that looked exactly like the one in his dreams. They had the exact same glare and looked at Erron straight in the eyes. They began to hold their finger to one side of their neck and slid it to the other side like (she/he) was threatening to decapitate him. Erron had gasped and began to back up into the corner of his room, which made Reptile stare at him weirdly. When Reptile tried to approach him, he was greeted by a sentence of absolute foul language. Since then, everyone refused to talk to Erron about his behavior. Now, Erron spends most of his time in another room with at least more then one person and he often refused to sleep in his bedroom much like a frightened child. This man named Erron Black, known to be a heartless man was now a very paranoid man, jumping at any sound. Ermac had told Kotal Kahn about what Erron had once told him. Erron was completely convinced that there was something in the mirror, some things moving around on their own and somethings pulling at him. It was taunting him. Mocking him. Of course, Kotal Kahn would've talked to Erron wanted to avoid provoking him. This had continued on for months where Erron would continuously suffer from an unknown entity and he was desperate to run but no matter where he turned to, they seem to be staring at him in the face. The other's would watch him as he slowly began to break down and even tried to give him some kind of counseling but Erron would end up running out of the room, convinced that he saw something whether it was a person or it was an object moving. The other's would fail to see what he see's and began to question Erron's sanity. * Erron lied in his bed where Kotal Kahn ordered him to go to sleep but with the events happening, he just couldn't. He could feel (her/his) presence right in the room with him. He could feel the hate they had and wished so much that he could escape this pain that he felt. "Do it." The air seemed to whisper to him. Erron looked up and saw his revolver where he last left it. Erron blinked and stood up, approaching it. He could hear the weapon calling his name. Erron's tips began to reach for the revolver and immediately a cold feeling ran down his spine. He began to study the gun in his hands. "Do it." A (female/male) voice whispered. Erron looked around before he began to go through his bullets and picked out a bullet that had something scribbled onto it. Popping it into his revolver and began to ready the weapon. Satisfied, Erron held up the gun. He pointed his own revolver at his head and pulled the trigger. * Everyone in Kotal Kahn's palace had woken up from the gunshot and had raced to his room only to find him dead on the ground. Erron had lied in his own pool of blood while gripping one of his revolvers. His skin was pale and his hair was now matted with blood, his eyes were now dull and no longer had anymore life in them. The emperor had ordered the Osh tekks to look around Erron's room for any intruders and to take the corpse into a room where they could take a look at his body. They did as they ordered and had an investigation of Erron's death and what they found was shocking but definitely closed off the case that Erron had truly committed suicide. The Osh Tekks were cleaning out his head wound when they found a bullet wedged in his head. When Kotal Kahn took a look at the bullet, upon it was the words scribbled 'Me'. He didn't scribble anything on his bullets unless they were for a person specifically and could only theorize that Erron had been planning on committing suicide from the start. It was hard to think of a man so heartless would actually have the desire to take his own life away but then again, the way he's been acting wouldn't be a surprise that he'd do such a thing. * It's been months since Erron's death. They held a proper funeral for him and had buried his body in the village's cemetery. Kotal Kahn was devastated to see him go but he refused to shed tears. He had lost D'vorah and now lost Erron to the cold hands of death. Ermac, Reptile, Ferra and Torr were quiet for awhile ever since he passed away and even EarthRealm itself was shakened by his action of taking his own life away. Now that the buzz has settled down, Kotal Kahn had to learn that Erron was no longer with them to fight for OutWorld even if it did take him awhile to accept the hard truth. None of the warriors no longer said his name but had often reported of rather odd things going on in the building. Kotal Kahn had shrugged them off but he began to feel cautious when visitors of the kingdom began to report the same activities. What was reported that often a cowboy silhouette would be seen running whether it was on the walls or in the reflection of the moonlight. It was also rumored that it was being chased by a different silhouette but this representing an unknown (woman/man). Another was that the cry and pleads of a man and the laughs of a (woman/different man) would echo through the halls when the building was completely silent. Sometimes, things would open and close on their own whether it was doors slamming shut, door knobs shaking rapidly or even things being thrown across the room. Footsteps of heavy boots and (choice of shoes) were heard at night in the halls like they were running. It was rumored to be the spirit of Erron Black that had been haunted by an unknown (woman/man)