Being Erron Black’s so

- I see him as very physically affectionate, though he’d never admit this out loud. Every time he walks past his so he skims his fingers across their arms, their waist, their back, whichever feels best at the time. He pushes their hair out of their face because he wants to see their eyes, and also because he loves their hair, and when he wears the mask he brushes his thumb over the curve of their lips and that’s their version of a kiss for now. He likes to play with your hands and fingers, just loves to hold them in his own rough, scarred up ones.
- He’s great at giving massages. Even before he and his so are together, and also depending on their chemistry and how long they’ve known each other, he’ll offer them a massage if he notices how tense and sore they are. He just wants to help them relax, and it actually relaxes him too because he doesn’t have to think about anything when he’s doing it. He lets his mind go blank as he works over their back, though he does keep his pistols on him should anything happen.
- With that said, his so is one of the few people he can let his guard down around. His shoulders visibly slump when they’re around, he doesn’t look half as tense. His body language, to them, is very warm and open. He lets them see everything and that’s huge for him.
- His kisses are usually hot and desperate, because I see him as secretly a very passionate person. He loves to pin his so up against a wall and shove his hips against theirs, his hands roaming all over, but mostly keeping to their hair and face. His kisses have a lot of tongue, a lot of teeth, little nips and bites along the so’s jawline. He practically glows with pride when he sees how disheveled and breathless they look when he pulls away from them.
- He’s not one to stand by and let his so be insulted in front of him. He doesn’t care if his so can handle themselves, he wants the offender to know who the so has in their corner.
- The so is blessed with many nicknames from him. He wants them to know how attractive they are to him; “Beautiful,” “Lovely,” “Handsome,” “Gorgeous.” He revels in how they visibly get flustered the first time he says this.
- Is actually a fairly good dancer. He’s very considerate of his partner, keeps them pressed close together so he can murmur sweet nothings into their ear as they sway together.
- Never actually says, “I love you,” to his so, but shows it through his actions, through how he treats them. He doesn’t believe that just saying it is enough. He wants his so to really know, beyond all doubt, that he cares deeply about them, that he’d do anything for them, that they can always rely on him.